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Star Wars New Hope 1977

The first shot is from the film New Hope which shows Luke Skywalker played by Mark Hanmil standing out on the desert planet Tattooween looking up at the two suns.

The shot shows off the location which is is very empty and the figure looking into the distance.  The colours look  warm, the  shot for me gives the sense of Hope and a look of Luke’s Journey ahead of him.  A farm boy wanting more than the life of  Tattoween; he wants an adventure.



The Dark Knight 2008

In this shot you see Batman looking down by the fire on top of rubble after he has failed to save Rachael. The colouring  in the shot is  very dark and moody showing us Batman’s sorrow; this shows off Christopher Nolan’s Style of film making. There are a lot of blues and blacks in this shot which work well. The brightness of the fire emphasizes  the shot making the dark a little more colourful. I think the shot shows Batman alone to deal with his grieve. Batman himself also becomes one with the background, as he  almost blends in because of the similar colours.


Black Swan  2010




A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984


Batman Returns 1992

In this shot we have Catwomen who is played by Michelle Phieffer, and Batman played by Michael Keaton confronting each other in a sexual manner. The background is very creepy and Gothic as Tim Burton uses this imagery a lot in his films and shots. The darks and lights work well together and both characters are nicely framed. This helps to show  Catwomen as the more dominant and stronger character in this shot, therefore a strong female lead,.




The Shinning 1980


Mad Max Fury Road  2015


The Lion King 1994


Star Wars Empire Strikes Back 1980

This is the end shot of Empire Strikes Back before the credits roll which shows Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hanmil, Leia played by Carrie Fisher, C3p0 played by Anthony Daniels and R2D2 played by Kenny Baker, looking out onto the galaxy. It shows looking out to see the uncertainty of what will happen next.  It also shows Luke with his arms around Leia comforting her.

The shadows over and below the characters work very well on this shot.



American Beauty 1999