Negotiated Project Task.1

Aaron And Liam- The conversation This my Script for my negotiated project My Idea For the Negotiated Project is to do a film which will be about Two friends dicussing movies the movies they talk about The new mad Max film Fury road,90s Captain America,90s Fantastic 4, Batman and Robin and Superman 4. I want the two main characters to be very normal guys I want the dialouge to be very natural flowing just an every day normal conversation. One of the characters will work in the shop  while the other wont work in the shop but will follow the other around. I will shortly add a third character a women who is a costumer visting the shop who will experience her love for the movie Batman and Robin The Film will end with the two friends leaving together both agreeing that the 90s Fantastic 4 is the best and saying download is in a couple of weeks. The end will show even though these two freiends have there disagraments on films at the end of the day they are still friends. My style will be based on the style of director Kevin Smith my aim will be to do one scene which will be like his films Clerks,Clerks 2 and mallrats. The Reason I choose Kevin Smith is because I am big fan of his films he has directed. For me he makes films for people like me they very nerdy films. I real big fan of Kevin Smith sense humour. Kevin Smith.

My main story will focus two orinary guys they are very nerdy I want it to be a very simple idea two guys dicussing films and stuff they enjoy. I named the two characters after myself and my friend Liam, The manner how these two act and interact with each other be very much how me and Liam act around each other anyway. Liam in real life works in a shop much like his own character he will playing. My character is unemployed much like my own character in the film.

What these two characters speak about in the film are based on some conversation we have actually talked about in real life. the conversation we talk about have just been mixed in. with in the conversation are characters will some times agree and some times disagree.  The women character is added a different appointive on a film. Kevin Smith was born Kevin Patrick  Smith in Augast 2nd 1970 in New Jersey  his first movie  was Clerks 1994 Clerks was a film set in a conviences store.  Kevin Smith also appered in Clerks as The Silent Partner to Jay Silent Bob. Jay and Silent Bob also appered inKevin Smith’s other Movies Clerks,Mallrats,Chasing Amy and Jay and the silent Bob Kevin Smith Director History 1994 Clerks 1995 Mallrats 1997 Chasing Amy 1999 Dogma 2001 Jay and the silent Bob Strike Back 2004 Jersey Girl 2006 Clerks 2 2008 Zac and Miri Make a Porno 2010 Cop out 2011 Red State 2014 Tusk Kevin Smith plans to sequel to his 1995 film Mallrats what will come out in 2016 what will be called Mallbrats. He also plans second sequel to clerks 1 and 2 called Clerks 3. Kevin Smith does Q and A his largest Q and A was at count basis theatre in Red Bank which sold out completly which went on at 8pm and finished at 3am this Q and A shows for me that Kevin Smith is a director who is very much there for his fans. Clerks  Clerks was released in 1994 the plot of Clerks is a day in life of Dante as he passes his day working at the convencies Store as him and his friend Randal discusses  Movies and piss off the cousomers. Clerks was shot in Black and white. The film stars Brian o Halloran,Jeff Anderson and Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith as Jay and The silent Bob. “I Wasn’t supposed to Be Here today” Dante  Hicks a quote from Clerks.

Mallrats Mallrats was made  in 1995 the plot of Mallrats after two friends are dumped by their girlfriends the spend time in the Mall. Mallrats stars Jeremy London,Jason Lee,Claire Forlani,Ben Affleck along with others.Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith reprised there roles as Jay and The Silent Bob in this. Characters and Cast  Shelf stacker The Shelf Stacker is a Staff member in a super market who stacks the shelf. He is bored with life his only escape is films. He knows everything about films. one day his friend comes in a film argument starts. The Friend. His friend his enployed has no hope in life. He can not get a job all he does all hang around the shop all day. The Women all the women is in the film is cousomer shopping in the shop who has a passion for the film Batman and Robin. He character shortly goes. Cast  Shelf Stacker/Liam Played by Liam Hagan Friend/Aaron played by Aaron Jones Women Played by Chelsea Burgin

Task.1How has Fiction production developed in Film and Television.

Historical context

nos1920 1922 Nosferatu Directed by F.W Murnau.   nos The studio could not get the rights for the book of  Bram Stokers Dracula so that changes a lot of the names  for example Vampire became Nosferatu and Count  Dracula  became Count Orlok. The performance of the actors in the film were very dramatic and over the top to show emotion without using dialogue, Their performances were very much like acting  on stage in a theatre production. Nosferatu was very much a theatre show play out on screen. Stage to screen  Nosferatu was a silent Movie the score was composed by Hans Erdmann.  1930 1939 Wizard of Oz Directed by  Victor Fleming and George Cukor. The-Wizard-of-Oz-Tin-Man-Dorothy-Lion-Scarecrow The wizard of Oz was a musical when the character Dorothy is in Kanas the entire thing his black and white but as she crashes in the land of Oz.  The film Wzard of Oz has the use of technicolor. The 1930s was also a big devolvement with sound in film.  1950 1954 Seven Samurai Directed by Akira Kurosawa  The Seven Samurai inspired George Lucas and the Star Wars trilogy and The Western Magnificent Seven. The Seven Samurai inspired many directors style   and how the directed today. Psycho_(1960)1960 1960 Psycho Directed by Alfred Hitchcock  The film Psycho was filmed on a low budget and had mixed reviews from credits but reseived big box office returns.  Psycho started of the slasher genre. Slasher such as Scream by Wes Craven followed much later in 1996. The  Directed of Psycho Alfred Hitchcock invented  the Mcguffin and Kuleshow effect. One of most famous shot in Psycho is the shower scene. 1970  1977  Star Wars Directed by George Lucas   and also written by George Lucas .new hope The original cut of Star wars New Hope used all practical effects such as puppets in 97,04 and 2011 directed George Lucas released special editions adding CGI. It follows a young farm boy Luke Skywalker on his path to become a Jedi. Star Wars was the first movie Franchises to become a blockbuster. Star Wars came apart popular pop culture.

1980 1980 The Shining Directed by  Stanley Kubrick the shinning The Shinning is film based on a Stephen  King. The Shinning is first film to use the steadicam the Steady cam was invented by Garrett Brown.  The Shinning is a  very physiological film with very creepy scenes such as the girl in the bath.

Garret Brown and The Stedicam 

TheShinning steadicam shot. The Steadicam shot was first  used the the film the shinning which was directed by Stanley Kubrick . The Stedicam shot was Invented on set of the shinning by  Garrett Brown.  Garrett Brown has used his own invention on over hundred different movies which include the shinning its self the other include Rocky and Return of the Jedi.

When you are shooting a film on your Camera or even your eye phone most of the time you will getting wonky shots. But in a Tv show and movies, Camera operators often achieve still shots by using stedicam shot as I said earlier which was invented by Garret Brown.  Since its invention in 1976 the Stedicam has came a very important tool in the art of filmaking.

For me the main use of the Stedicam is to give the Camera operator smooth shots

Analysing  The Stedicam shot in the Shinnning. 


I am going to talk about The scene above which is from the movie the shinning. The scene follows the young boy as he goes through the hotel on his bike. I think the use of sound in this scene is used very well done for example the way the bike wheels roll over wooden floor and when hits the  carpet it goes from loud sound of the wheels hitting the wood to near silents when the wheels roll against the carpet this along with the music gives the scene a very eerie feel to me it makes you feel tense and uncertain. There is a feel like something is about to happen. In this scene the use of the long corridors and the closed in walls, the narrow corridors. Gives me the feeling of being closed in and trapped. I makes you feel slightly secluded or lost. I like how the stedicam follows the boy around the corridors like you are following the boy on his journey seeing what he see going where the boy goes.  I think  stedicam is perfect for this scene how smooth it looks not at all shaky it real keeps you involved with story. I would also say it puts you in the mind set of that character. I like when the boy goes down the long white corridor I like the way corridor is pretty much empty apart from the odd plant or the doors going through out for me this adds to the closed in feel.

Even the dark lights and not much lighting and the very bright yellow and orange carpet also gives it eerie feel.

Jurassic_Park_poster1990 1993 Jurassic Park  Directed by Steven Steliberg  Jurassic Park was a big step for CGI. CGI was largely improve not just for the industry but at the box office also. we had actors acting in front of nothing.  The first film was later released  in 3d in 2013. 2012  The Avenger Directed by Joss Wheldonavengers Avengers is six instalment in the marvel cinematic Universe using great uses of Special Effects and  Character delvolope. using solo movies  to lead up to this one movie.

Auteurs  Akira Kurosawa Akira Kurosawa Director. what he directed  Seven Samurai,Red beard,Throne of blood. Akira Kurosawa was born March 23 1910. He died september 6 1998, aged 88. he enter the film industry as a co director  and made his directial debut in 1943 with  Sanshiro Sugato. Akira started as a Painter. He scaled his storyboards as full scale Paintings. Akira Kurosawa inspired many later directors such as George Lucas what you can see when watching Star Wars movies and Steven Steliberg. Other Directors he inspired Robert Altman, Martin Scorseses, John Milius  and John Woo. The way Akira inspired those directors was the way he used movement in scenes for example the movement of individuals and the movement of unison and the movement of groups.

Quotes of Akira Karosawa

“Man is a genius when he is dreaming”

“Nothing says more about creator than man its self”

Akira Kurosawa uses nature such as fire,wind,water,rain to show actors emotion instead of using dialogue to show how they feel. for example fire could mean anger.

How Akira Kurosawa Inspired The Director George Lucas 

Akira Kurosawa behind the camera. A condemned thief is rescued from the gallows to impersonate a powerful warlord in 20th Century-Fox's
Akira Kurosawa behind the camera.
A condemned thief is rescued from the gallows to impersonate a powerful warlord in 20th Century-Fox’s “Kagemusha,” an epic saga of feudal conflict in medieval Japan, directed by Japan’s most celebrated filmmaker, Akira Kurosawa.
Director George Lucas is shown standing next to a digital movie camera used to shoot, 'Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones,' on the set of the film, in this undated photo. Lucas shot the entire film using digital cameras and hoped to have the film shown with digital projectors in theaters. Studio and theater executives counter that the technology is not ready for mass use and that complex questions remain on setting industry-wide standards, avoiding piracy and financing digital-projection systems, which can cost up to $150,000 for each screen. (AP Photo/Lucasfilm Ltd.)
Director George Lucas is shown standing next to a digital movie camera used to shoot, ‘Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones,’ on the set of the film, in this undated photo. Lucas shot the entire film using digital cameras and hoped to have the film shown with digital projectors in theaters. Studio and theater executives counter that the technology is not ready for mass use and that complex questions remain on setting industry-wide standards, avoiding piracy and financing digital-projection systems, which can cost up to $150,000 for each screen. (AP Photo/Lucasfilm Ltd.)

Something what I noticed about George Lucas That he clearly inspired by Kurosawa a good example a lot of Japanese influence appears in Star Wars such as the characters of Nemimoidian.


Star Wars and Seven Samurai are two very similar films if you look at some of the shots in Star Wars and compare them to shots in Seven Samurai you would be able to spot similarities to each other.

Even The plots and Stories to Seven Samurai and Star Wars are very similar.  You can just see one similarity in Seven Samurai is about rice Farmers being harassed by Bandits in Star Wars Luke Skywalker is a young farm boy instead of Bandits in Star  Wars it is the emperor.  Both Stars Wars and Seven Samurai have Acton Adventure and even romance.

George Lucas Is not only director to follow Karursawa. As you can see by the movie magnificent Seven which based on Seven Samurai. Magnificent Seven is directed by John Sturges. Instead being set in Japan Magnificent Seven is set in the west and instead rice Farmers it is a village of Mexicans and finally instead of Japanese warriors it is Gunman. but the plots to Magnificent Seven and Seven Samurai are so Similar. A remake of Magnificent Seven also based on Karaswa’s Seven Samurai is being made.

The Same Can said for Bugs Life a disney Children’s film very Similar to  Seven Samurai in my option this time instead of Rice Farmers it is a colony of ants, Instead of gunman or Japanese  warrior it a bunch warrior bugs and instead of bandits in bugs life it is grasshoopers.

as You can see all these similar  ideas all spawn from karaswa film Seven Samurai This shows how much Karaswa has changed history in Hollywood through all these years his ideas still stand today.

s05 magnificent-seven5202012star-wars

1920x1080 Wallpaper
1920×1080 Wallpaper

I choose a clip of a fight scene in Seven Samurai what was is only ten seconds long and a clip of a light saber duel in Star Wars New Hope  of Battle between Obi Wan and Darth Vader which is around 3 minutes long. I choose the two clips because both kind of similar  to each other. As you can see Seven Samurai clip has no dialogue.  apart from a scream. while the Star wars clip is more dialogue based. Dialogue   is exchanged between Darth Vader and Obi wan and the rest of the characters speak in the scene.

In Seven Samurai The two characters use swords , While in Star Wars  they use Light Sabers sword like objects. Seven Samurai and Star Wars both cut to wide shot to see the fighting.

George Lucas Quotes

“A lot of people like to do certain things, but they’re not that good at it. Keep going through the things that you like to do, until you find something that you actually seem to be extremely good at. It can be anything”.

“Making a film is like putting out a fire with sieve. There are so many elements, and it gets so complicated”.

Quentin Tarantino:

Quentin Tarantino was born  March 1963 in  Knoxville Tennessse USA  Quentin Tarantino debute film was Reservoir dogs he is also known for Pulp Fiction Jackie Brown and Django Unchained. his film Reservoir dogs appeared at the sundance film festival  the film became critically acclaimed. The film Pulp Fiction came after premiering at cannes film festival.

Quentin Tarantino Quotes 

“When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, ‘no, I went to films”.

“I was kind of excited about going to jail the first time and I learnt some great dialogue”.

TV To Film 

I think modern day TV is becoming is big as film it could even becoming bigger when look things such as Netflix we boxsets of various TV shows at a touch of a button to watch when you watch there is hours of entertainment. If you look at shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and Walking Dead. The popourity of these shows have spawn fans from all over the world.

And the scale of these shows now for me are on same scale as movie these days. You can get so much more character devoloment in a TV show watch a character evolve throughout the episodes, season and through the years.

Take Walter Whiter  for example we watch him through five seasons start as a normal guy turn into meth lord. Vince Gillian the creator of the show said his aim of the show was to turn Mr Chips into Scarface.

Breaking Bad spawn a spin off Series Better Call Saul.  Tv Shows are really big interlace  in modern day life and to art of media its self.

Task.2 Devise and Pre plan a moving image fiction Production

Shot List Depict Project Casting Shapes

Shot List. Casting Shapes   Jason Bedroom   Shot 1 Scene 1 Establishing shot of Jason’s Bedroom and Jason Sitting on his bed listening to music. Shot 2 Scene 1 Wide Shot of Jason sitting on his bed. Shot 3 Scene 1 wide shot of the door muffled sounds coming from it Shot 4 Scene 1 Close up of Jason hand turning his music down. Shot 5 Scene 1 Shot of Jason throwing of his headphones Shot.6 Scene.1 wide shot of Jason’s Dad. Shot.7 Scene.1 Close up of Jason’s Dad holding beer. Shot.8 Scene.1 wide shot of Jason’s Pulling him out the room. Hallway   Shot 9 Scene.2 Close up of Jason’s Dad putting his beer on the side. Shot.10 Scene.2 Wide shot of Jason’s Dad pushing Jason into a wall. Shot.11 Scene.2 close up of Jason on the floor. Shot.12 Scene.2 close up of Jason hand grabbing hold of the bottle. Shot.13 Scene. 2 Wide Shot of Jason getting up. Shot. 14 Scene.2 Mid shot of Jason hitting his farther. Shot. 15 Scene.2 Close Up of the bottle hitting his farther. Treatment for Depict Project   I Have three different drafts of my script what I am wrote for the depict project My first script started in the church went back to the boys bedroom and return to the church. The second draft starting in the boys room and ends in the church. My final draft of the script the one what I am going to use the church scene is cut out completely because doing this will make it easier to film The duration of will my film will have be 90 seconds to go with the rules of the depict completion Story My Idea The title of my Story will be called Casting Shapes this will be my idea for my film. A boy listening to heavy metal through his headphones he lays on his bed.  You hear the sound of muffled arguments coming from his parents from outside his close door.   Then hear a bang and high pitch scream. The boy quickly throws his headphones of and opens his door to find his dad drunk and his mum at the bottom of the stairs with neck stamp dead. His farther drags the boy down the stairs and forces him to look at the corps of his mother bringing the boy to tears. Following that his farther drags him to the kitchen and beats him. The boys sees a hammer and on the side and grabs it beating his farther brains in. blood splats the wall and covers the boy. It fades to black. Characters For my idea I would any need to use two characters the boy Jason and his farther you wouldn’t even have show the mother character we will just have show that something has happened to her character without seeing her death on screen. Actors- These are the are the actors I planned to use during film but last minute changes I had recast my actors. Originally Planned Cast- Liam Hagan as the boy Jason Simon Jones as the Farther If Simon Jones is not available for shooting I will have to find another actor for this part. Cast I used- Liam Hagan as Jason’s Dad Tom Hayewood as Jason Boy. Locations For my location I am hoping to use my home in syston I want to use my own bedroom to act as Jason room. I hope to use this one location to film the whole film because we no longer need the church location because that scene has been cut out of the final draft. Dialogue is all three of my scripts there is no dialogue or narration you will know what is going on by the actions of the main characters I felt that dialogue is not needed. I want show by the characters emotions rather then what they are saying. Genre  The genre of My Depict film is Horror and drama there is horror elements in my story such as when the boy Jason kills his farther my idea is slightly based on Carrie,Carrie his a film based on a book by Stephen king . Drama element comes  in my option is the boy trying to deal with the pain of his mother death and his farther aliholisim. Why I choose to base my story on Carrie because i am a big fan of the 1978 movie of Carrie and the later Remake of Carrie in 2013. I felt in remake of Carrie the girl who in the remake  is a relatable character which I want Jason to be even though he kills his farther I don’t want the audience to hate I want The audience to feel like he has no choice. I want the audience to feel Jason was pushed to far much like Carrie was in her movie. My footage involves a scene were Jason played by Tom Hayewood goes to the Church and falls to his knee in front of the church and his head goes down in shame this scene was not in the final draft of my script. Travel  The way the Cast and Crew are getting to our location will be by car. The car fits all the cast and crew the car seats five people. Budget This is an easement of prices of cast and crew of my film how much it would of cost for one day filming Crew Camera Operator according to Black Cat Production to hire a camera operator it would be between Camera operator hire for a day rate: £250 – £275 p/d (8h call).


To hire out a two actors for a day of filming varies depending on those actors.

Notes For Depict Project

1.5.15 Date

Depict Project Notes


Task.1 Research task Cinema project from start to finish how cinema has developed.


Black and White Film Digital


Devilments in picture production discuss key developments in fiction production.



F.W Murnau Director


German expansionist Nosferatu directed by F.W Murnau


  • Transition to theatre to cinema
  • Lighting


Akira Karosawa Director


Movement of groups


Nature- rain, fire, water, wind.

Movement of indivuals

Exarated block


Camera moves start,middle,end and end.


Quotes of Akira Karosawa


“Man is a genius when he is dreaming”

“Nothing says more about creator than man its self”


Alfred Hitchcock Director


Close Up a shot reaction to something.


  • Kuleshow effect
  • The Unchained and technique
  • Mcguffin