
My first idea will begin In a church all around the church a strain glass windows at far end of the church is a window with Jesus on it also on the far end of the church is an open bible on a stand. Rain pours around the church splashing against the glass. At the front of the church there are large wooden you normally get in most churches.

A young boy around the age of 12 or 13 pushes the church doors open covered in rain, blood and tears going down his face. The boy looks distressed and beaten. It seems like something bad has happened to the boy.

It goes back to around half earlier as you see the same bar listening to heavy metal through his headphones he lays on his bed.  You hear the sound of muffled arguments coming from his parents from outside his close door.   Then hear a bang and high pitch scream.

The boy quickly throws his headphones of and opens his door to find his dad drunk and his mum at the bottom of the stairs with neck stamp dead.

His farther drags the boy down the stairs and forces him to look at the corps of his mother bringing the boy to tears. Following that his farther drags him to the kitchen and beats him.

The boys sees a hammer and on the side and grabs it beating his farther brains in. blood splats the wall and covers the boy. It fades to black.

You see the boy laying the church floor it shows Jesus on the glass and the light of the sirens going around the church. This is how it ends. This might fit the horror drama genre.

Idea.2 is from the SCI-Fi Genre this star begins in single room on a space shaft heading towards a unknown planet. You see a young boy around the age of 12 or 13 as he gets up from his bed and opens a chest his farther gave him before he died in battle.

The chest is full of wonders from earth past. Right at the bottom of the chest lies a crystal the picks up the crystal from this chest.  The boy drops the crystal it starts to spin. The crystal then shows the whole history of earth in front of the child eyes. The boy sees all the wonder and pain the earth suffered in his history.

After this happens looks out a window into space to see the earth blow behind him. So boy would see Earth whole history and the last of earth history as earth explodes.

In front of this boys eyes he will everything from dinosaurs evolution into man  love war past future and finally the death of the earth in real time.

Syd Feild Narrative structure and ideas for My Script

The Paperman 2012


The Paperman for me fits Syd Feilds Narractive Structure very well.  Most Hollywood movies format there movies using this structure in my option but some case the narrative structure  is play around with.

Act One  the plot point of The Paperman sets up location and characters in the paperman this first scene it introduces the railway station and these two male and feamale leads. the plot for me is where the pieces of paper blows  and the female lipsnick imprints on the paper. The paper its self plays a big part in the story it comes alive at one point and it is like a character its self.

Act 2 The Confrontation the mid point  in the paperman  for me is where the male character is stuck at work and has ran out of paper and decides to go after the girl.

Act 3 Climax for The Paperman is where The Paper comes alive and reunites these two characters on the train and you have your typical Disney Hollywood ending.

Jack Jack Attack 2005


Jack Jack Attack is another Disney set in the Incredibles like The Paperman once again it follows Syd Fields structure.

Act one  the plot point of Jack Jack Attack it introduces you two Jack Jack and the girl babysitting him and the setting is The Increables home.

Act.2 The Confrontation the mid point of the film is where Jack Jack is using is powers and the babysitter  cant  handle the baby and keeps calling his parents for help.

Act 3 Climax  of the film comes as the babysitter gets a knock on the door she answers it and hands the baby over to the villain Syndrome  what leads into the ending of The Increables film.

Below is a picture of Syd Feilds Narrative structure.


Title- Casting Shapes Working Title

Other Options for Titles Hopeless, Blood Against The Walls, Block out the sounds and Hurt.

Genre Horror/Drama


Main Character Jason age 12-13. Jason back story is that he comes from a history of violence from his farther he has seen a lot of abuse to him and his mother.

Jason personality is that he is a kind of lost person he is a bit of a dreamer always looking up into the sky thinking of a better life. But Jason can also be a happy person and funny.

Alfred Farther of Jason, Alfred is a fat sloth who is an angry abusive drunk.

Palmer Mother of Jason  you will never see Palmer in the film you will just hear her voice you will not no too much about this character as a viewer.


The Main setting of the story is a small village with not many shops and everybody knows everyone. But you never see the village in the story. The three primary locations in the story are the church the Childs bedroom and the hallway leading on two the stairs.

The Church will be your typical old fashion church with stain glass windows just how you would image a church to look like.

Jason Bedroom will have  his bed in the centre  of the room his walls coverd with band posters such as S Club 7,Kiss,Iron Maiden, Bury Tomorrow,Twisted Sister and Vinny Vincent.

The Hallway leading onto the stairs will be more or less empty not many decorations in the hallway just plain and boring.

The motivation of the characters

What will be Jason Motivation in my story is rage and anger of his farther killing his mother and all his past thoughts of what his farther did to him in his past motivates him to kill his own farther through hatred. Jason Motivation to run to the church is to ask for forgiveness.

My story will start from ending of the story and will rewind to show how Jason got to be at the church. My story will consist of no dialogue. All you will have in the story are sound effects such as screams  and arguing and shouting. I will also have the use of music to show how the characters are feeling at times in scenes.  For an example of music I will use in my story as Jason listens to heavy metal to block out the muffled sound of his parents arguing and fighting.


What I have found in the research without a big name for your film you mind find hard to get your movie produced because no wants to invest to anything that doesn’t have credulity we see that when Jeremy Saulnier  was trying to get his movie Blue Ruin to production he was turn  down my many studies it was his wife who got the project started by going into her retirement found. Jeremy want typicall looking guy to play the part he wanted the lead part to be played by a friend Macon Blair  but Macon was pretty much a unknown name at the time so what Jeremy did was to create a imdb page show Macon how he would look like in movie Macon grew his beard out for three weeks and they post the picture on imdb of what he would look like in the film. Black Cat Screen play competition  The Black Cat film competition was founded by a writer back in 1998 founded by  Gordy Hoffman some of the blacks cats previous winners include Pierre Chance 2013,  2012 Michael Hamblin and 2011 Ian Simpson. This competion is a good way of getting your work out there you can win The  Feature Winner of the 2015 Competition will receive $15,000. Four Finalists will receive $2,500 each. The Shorts Winner of the 2015 Competition will receive $10,000 Three Finalists will receive $1,500 each. Read more at BBC Writers room  The BBC writers room is a open door foe writers to send there scripts and to get them seen. what BBC writters room does is that you can only send scripts in at certain times below are open times for scripts. Scriptroom 8 (Stage plays – comedy / drama) – opened on Monday 15th September and closed at 5pm on Monday 29th September 2014. The Writer’s Prize (Radio Drama) – also opened for submissions on Monday 15th September and closed at 5pm on Monday 29th September 2014. My Proposal  For my Script writing Project.


My Brief story for My script. After his drunken farther kills his wife his son Jason who is Just trying block out the argument is pulled into the fight but during the arugment Jason kills his farther with his own beer bottle. The police are after Jason, Jason runs to a church and drops to his knees sirens will surround the church. The Whole movie will be in black and white because I want to give it a hopeless feel to it.

Actors and Characters 

Liam Hagan as Jason’s Farther

Tom Haywood as Jason


Jason his a young boy around 12 or 13. Jason is don’t really have any friends keeps himself to himself. Jason has had a lot of pain in his life he has face years of watching his mother get abused by his own farther. Jason has a lot anger inside him.

Jason’s Farther 

Jason dad is a drunk, he drinks far to much he has no job and abuses his wife and son.


Jason will be wearing a rock band shirt,skinny jeans,bandanas tied to his arms.

Jason’s Farther will be wearing leather jacket,Jeans.

Props needed 

Beer bottle,iPod,headphones.

Clothing will be provided by actors.

Cast and Crew

Actors Tom Haywood and Liam Hagan

Camera Operator Major Singh Takhar

Director Aaron Jones


For every scene filmed in Jason bedroom we used my home in Syston

16 St Peters Street,




For the final scene in of my film the location we will be using is the St Peters and St Pauls Church in Syston

Upper Church Street,

Syston, Leicester


Transport cost 

Major Singh Takhar provided transport on day of shooting, so we only had focus on petrol cost which was around £20 ponds from Melton to Syston and back again.

Cost of a camera operator for a day of shooting

According to London Video camera camera operator a HD Camera opperator and Kit will cost me £375 for a 8 hour shoot.

According to NDP New day pitures Lighting and Camera operator with full kit will cost £400 for 10 hours depending on kit.

Feelance Camera operator Steve Feeney has a starting price from £160


My budget for my film will be nothing because it is through my course all the equipment I am using is free I am hiring from college.

If I had budget and I can not get equipment free from college  I would have to take in account of Actors, Camera opperotor , the kit i will using and transport cost.



Target Audience 

Personally I think my film might appeal  to teenagers and young people, People who are similar  age to Jason because they might find him relatable as a character.

Target audience would also depend on the cerficate of the film its self if my film is rated at 15 or 18 then there no point aiming it for younger audience members because they just won’t be able to see it. I will have aim for the apparent audience .

Where my idea comes from 

I wanted to do horror based film because I am fan of that genre I really enjoy horrors myself.  My idea came from the  film Carrie which is based on a Stephen King novel, I am also a fan of other films that have been based  Stephen King novels such as The Shining and Stand by me which based on one his stories called  The Body.

Why I choose Carrie for my inspration for my own film for a start a start I really enjoyed both the 1976 version of Carrie directed by Brian de Palma and the Remake which came out in 2013 and was directed by Kimberly Pierce.

another reason  I choose carrie I felt Carrie was a relatble character , Carrie is a teenager having hard time and she also find out she has amazing powers and even at the end after all she has done you still feel sorry for her.

I wanted my character of Jason to similar to character  to Carrie with some things being slightly different such my character will is a male, he will not has powers and is slightly younger then character of Carrie. but both characters have hard time in my story Jason kills his Farther in Carrie it is her mother.

Stephen King 

Stephen King was born in  September 21 1941. He was born in Portland, Stephen began his writing career in 1959, Stephen King became a massive noveist writing many horror books.


In my film mainly in the bedroom scene there various pictures or objects  in the background setting what I don’t  rights to such Pokemon card on the door of the room, there are large Hobbit posters, one my actors will wearing a Steel panther band T shirt, The beer bottle has a brand longer what is mainly covered, The Bed sheets are Mario.Megadeth gets shown on the iPod

What I need to think about is none of these brands are own by me it is all evolutional and I am earning to money for it. I also have to consider the makers of these brands in my film may not want there products getting shown in my film.

Music and Sound Effects.

There are no dialogue throughout my film apart from the muffled sounds of Jason’s dad shouting all my music comes from which includes the rock music, at the start the eerie music throughout and the church bells.