

I first came up with three ideas for my film which were a film about a mentally sick women,a boxer, and Jenkins 2. I decided out on the Jenkins 2 idea.

I then wrote the script using the the celtx program. I got my crew and actors together I had Josh Williamson on camera and Liam Hagan on the camera. I also had myself Liam Hagan and Bradley Atkinson Acting in it.

I had myself directing the film and co Directed by Liam Hagan.

The equipment that was used during filming was Cannon DSlR 500D and  a libec tripod.

Due to rain the we had to change the outside location into a in side locations. the location we filmed in just out side of the student common and the  C5 classroom the original plan of filming was C12 but we had change to C5 because C12 was in use.


Shots of Liam setting up Camera on set. During filming of Jenkins 2.