

I first started by coming up with three ideas for my film one of my ideas was similar to dante inferno, another was about a training and a boxer before they  go out  for the fight the idea I went for in the end was a follow up to level 3 project which Jenkins so I did Jenkins 2.

The reason I choose Jenkins 2 was to see how much I have improved since I made Jenkins one in level 3 media, I also wanted to improve with my editing skills but because I felt theses are the areas I was weak in.

After I choose my idea I begun to write the script on the script writing programme celtx.

I got my peers to help me film and act for my project. The Idea was  to film  Bradley’s film on Monday and we help him out as his crew and actors, Then did the same for Liam’s film Tuesday and finally mine the idea was we help you out to help me out.

The equipment  I Used  was camera lent by Liam.

The day of the shooting in my original script the  scene  was set outside  but due to rain I decided to change the location from  out to inside.

The end shot was meant to use  a gun but because It was filmed in college  I took out the gun.

In my Edit  I felt  It was a bit too short there was a jump cut towards the end.

I think the filming processes went well I think editing is actually worse than my edit for Jenkins one, I think by looking at my final edit I have not improve much since level 3 , I am still at the same level.













I had to do a present   to my peers telling my idea of film and showing my film so they could give my feedback on how I presented my idea and how my edit came across this what they said.


Quality of ideas presented

  • I was well presented
  • Clever idea to do a sequal be a pass project
  • Follow up to previous film
  • Could been better
  • The Idea was especially liked he to compare his own work and  potentials improve on an old piece
  • little shaky and underscriptive
  • Talked about his ideas and clearly got across what wanted to do

Clarity of information presented

  • The information presented was clear and understable
  • He was  clear information he gave
  • The information was very clear

Was the editing successful in Relation to project aim

  • Film was short could been longer  with more plot development
  • I like how shows how you have improve
  • In terms of what Aaron wanted to do I think he was fairly Successful
  • The editions style was good and script worked. some tough cuts but overall gets the film . the film across although the ending was a bit abrompt.
  • Good idea could have been large

Below are photo I took of The fill in Feed Back Sheets


a link to my video

Link to music



I first came up with three ideas for my film which were a film about a mentally sick women,a boxer, and Jenkins 2. I decided out on the Jenkins 2 idea.

I then wrote the script using the the celtx program. I got my crew and actors together I had Josh Williamson on camera and Liam Hagan on the camera. I also had myself Liam Hagan and Bradley Atkinson Acting in it.

I had myself directing the film and co Directed by Liam Hagan.

The equipment that was used during filming was Cannon DSlR 500D and  a libec tripod.

Due to rain the we had to change the outside location into a in side locations. the location we filmed in just out side of the student common and the  C5 classroom the original plan of filming was C12 but we had change to C5 because C12 was in use.


Shots of Liam setting up Camera on set. During filming of Jenkins 2.


strengths weaknesses and idea


Script Writing

Coming with ideas



Sound Design

Camera operating




Things to work on




Idea one.

Set in one room we join a metal sick women who has locked herself away from her family and has deal with demons in her mind. actors  will come in and act as different parts of her mind has she fights to regain her sanity.

Genre Drama

Idea two.

Is to show a boxer and his trainer, training and talking before they walk out the dressing room for a the big fight.

Genre Drama.

Idea three.

Jenkins 2 a follow up to a film noir I did in Level 3 in this one Jenkins confronts a killer he has been after for most of career.

 genre Crime.


MY proposal is I am going to do a follow up to a project I did in level 3, The project we had to do was a tailor for a film Noir  the idea I came up with was Jenkins, For this Project I like to do Jenkins 2.

doing a follow up to this project may show how my work has improved since level 3,

I will need only three actors someone to play Jenkins,someone to play his old friend and finally someone to play Jeff the man who shot the old friend down.

I was thinking of using two locations a park and a office.

My basic idea of the film is Jenkins is friend he has known for many years and help him in many cases is murdered, His friend also appeared in Jenkins one, Jenkins goes for revenge of his old friend.

Genre Fim Noir



Fake Gun if possible

Whisky Bottle.



Above is a link to my script.