
evaluation producer Unit 

Negatives of producing Unit

As producer we got three actors to play the parts in the film, but the Tuesday before  the final shoot, due to a dance competition one of the  actors had to drop out.Therefore this  put me in a bad position because we already had scenes with her shot and had to find a replacement actress for her.Which I did,  but that actress also dropped out on the Friday which was the day of filming, therefore  not giving us much time to save things. Also we never heard back from another of our actors who was meant to star in our film. On the day of filming as producer we also told the other actor to not to show up, because they were no longer needed due to the other actors dropping out.

How we solved the problem of actors dropping out and the lack of time we had on the last day of filming, we decided to film a trailer instead using myself and Liam as actors. This was to just get shots to fill the film out so we had more shots for the trailer . We were good at thinking on our feet, for example we used walking shots,shots of the moving traffic and going to the bank which would go with the park scene we had shot  previously with the original actors . But this made it harder to produce because we had to act in front of the camera and couldn’t always see how shots looked. Also we had to put up with the shots  because of limited time.

On the first day of filming when we had all of the actors we filmed at the location at Melton Park but we only got a couple of shots filmed but the director sent the actors away when we could of shot more scenes using the actors what would of gave us more shots to cut to.

The final edit was mostly out of focus and you can see the side of person face which should been cropped out, but the editor only had a little to work with.

The final trailer  didn’t really anything to do with the written script, the clips we filmed were mostly filler so the level 3s had something to edit.

How the crew preformed

The director did well when he was on set apart the miscommenction with the actors at times.

the camera opperator was on set most of time and most of the time kept use informed  with what was going using emails.

The sound operator was on set for the park shot and came to some of the meetings.

The actors as I said above two of actors drop out and the replacement actors was a no show. but one of actors stay with use until end and was very relible.

What went right 

Two locations were found and we got actors originally. we kept the crew informed using emails and  having meetings on Fridays.

Thinking on our feet to think of a alterntive for project when things started to go wrong at the last minute.