
evaluation producer Unit 

Negatives of producing Unit

As producer we got three actors to play the parts in the film, but the Tuesday before  the final shoot, due to a dance competition one of the  actors had to drop out.Therefore this  put me in a bad position because we already had scenes with her shot and had to find a replacement actress for her.Which I did,  but that actress also dropped out on the Friday which was the day of filming, therefore  not giving us much time to save things. Also we never heard back from another of our actors who was meant to star in our film. On the day of filming as producer we also told the other actor to not to show up, because they were no longer needed due to the other actors dropping out.

How we solved the problem of actors dropping out and the lack of time we had on the last day of filming, we decided to film a trailer instead using myself and Liam as actors. This was to just get shots to fill the film out so we had more shots for the trailer . We were good at thinking on our feet, for example we used walking shots,shots of the moving traffic and going to the bank which would go with the park scene we had shot  previously with the original actors . But this made it harder to produce because we had to act in front of the camera and couldn’t always see how shots looked. Also we had to put up with the shots  because of limited time.

On the first day of filming when we had all of the actors we filmed at the location at Melton Park but we only got a couple of shots filmed but the director sent the actors away when we could of shot more scenes using the actors what would of gave us more shots to cut to.

The final edit was mostly out of focus and you can see the side of person face which should been cropped out, but the editor only had a little to work with.

The final trailer  didn’t really anything to do with the written script, the clips we filmed were mostly filler so the level 3s had something to edit.

How the crew preformed

The director did well when he was on set apart the miscommenction with the actors at times.

the camera opperator was on set most of time and most of the time kept use informed  with what was going using emails.

The sound operator was on set for the park shot and came to some of the meetings.

The actors as I said above two of actors drop out and the replacement actors was a no show. but one of actors stay with use until end and was very relible.

What went right 

Two locations were found and we got actors originally. we kept the crew informed using emails and  having meetings on Fridays.

Thinking on our feet to think of a alterntive for project when things started to go wrong at the last minute.






task.1 producer


Barbara Broccoli Things she has produced are-Die Another Day,Casino Royale,Skyfall, Spectre along with other films.



Barbara Broccoli is most known for producing Bond movies, Her farther Albert R Broccoli was also a producer who produced many bond films himself which include DR No,Licences to Kill and Her majesty secret service, Albert’s Producing partner was Harry Saltzman. who work with him on many of the Bond films.

Albert “Chubby” Broccoli died in 1996 aged 87 while Harry died in 1994 aged 78.

Albert_Cubby_Broccoli_1976_crop Harry_Saltzman_-_Profile

Above is pictures of both Chubby and Harry.

Barbara Broccoli is known as entertainment industry and film industry as one of the most successful female film producers. Barbara grew up on the film sets on the bond films at a very young age traveling all over the world.

So from a young age she got to know the film industry from the backstage of the bond films.

Barbara graduated from the univeristy of Loyola in Los angles with a degree in motion picture productions and television communications.

He first film credit came in the year 1983 in the film Octopussy   in which she was the executive assistant.

Michael G Wilson has help produce many Bond films along side Barbara which include Die another day,Goldeneye, Casino Royale, the latest Bond Film Spectre and other Productions.



Above is a photo of Barbara and Michael G wilson the producers of the Bond films

Kathleen Kennedy has produce such movies as ET,Jurassic Park 3,Star war Force Awakens



Her education came from  San Diego State University. Kathleen Kennedy like Barbara Broccoli is known as one the most successful female film producers.

Kathleen co founded Ambin Entertainment  alongside Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall.

On October  30th 2012 she became the president of Lucasfilms and the brand manger of the Star Wars franchise.

Her work has included over 60 films.


it is the film or Tv producers job to look after the production side of the industry and the more business side of things leaving the director and crew to handle the more creative side of things.

the producers jobs may include pitching the idea, finding cast and crew and getting and securing founding for the project.

TV producer 

A television producer is a person who oversees all aspects of video production on a television program. Some producers take more of an executive role, in that they conceive new programs and pitch them to the television networks, but upon acceptance they focus on business matters, such as budgets and contracts.

Vince Gillian 


Vince Gillian is Tv Producer who is best known for Breaking Bad and the spin off show Better call Saul. Gillian has also produced Movies. one of the movies Gillian is known for Producing Is the Will Smith film Hancock.

Gillian is also a well known writer he wrote both Breaking Bad and Saul.  Gillian was also the executive Producer on the X files.

Vince Gillian Received a B.F.A. in film production from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts.

Television/Film Producers 


  • Starting salaries for assistant producers may range from around £18,000 to £25,000.
  • With experience, salaries can reach £40,000 to £55,000, and for departmental heads, £60,000 to £80,000 plus benefits.
  • Fees for freelance producers vary considerably, depending on experience and whether you work on TV factuals or dramas, or on feature films. For advice on pay guidelines for freelancers see the Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU).

Salaries will also differ depending on the size of the company and the size and scale of the project. Salaried, permanent jobs with companies are becoming fewer, which may lead to financial insecurity. Employment is regularly offered on a self-employed or freelance-contract basis.


Income figures are intended as a guide only.

Working hours

Work involves regular unsocial hours at weekends and in the evenings. Long hours and time spent in meetings or on location is the norm.

Career breaks may create difficulties because of the competitive nature of the industry and the need to network and keep up to date with industry changes.


Although this area of work is open to all graduates, the following subjects at degree or HND level may increase your chances:

  • communication and media studies;
  • photography/film/television;
  • information technology/multimedia;
  • broadcasting.

Entry without a degree or HND is possible, but most producers are educated to degree level.

Postgraduate qualifications are not required for entry into the profession. However, courses containing practical work experience in production may increase your chances of success in a notoriously competitive environment. Be aware that entry to these programmes is competitive and most require some previous experience so that you can give evidence of your practical skills and your work.

Look for courses that provide cutting-edge technical resources, a reasonable final production budget and contacts within the industry. For information on relevant training courses see the:

Search for postgraduate courses in media production.


You will need to have:

  • confidence in their own ability;
  • strong communication and people skills;
  • presentation and pitching skills;
  • strong time and resource management skills;
  • creative ability;
  • the ability to cope under pressure;
  • a strong head for figures;
  • leadership skills.



Producers are responsible for facilitating a project and are involved in every stage of the television programme, film or video, overseeing the project from beginning to end, both in the studio and on location.

Essentially team leaders, they are supported by production assistants, coordinators and managers, depending on the size of the project.

Tasks include:

  • raising funding;
  • reading, researching and assessing ideas and finished scripts;
  • commissioning writers or securing the rights to novels, plays or screenplays;
  • building and developing a network of contacts;
  • liaising and discussing projects with financial backers – projects can range from a small, corporate video costing £500 to a multimillion-pound-budget Hollywood feature film;
  • using computer software packages for screenwriting, budgeting and scheduling;
  • hiring key staff, including a director and a crew to shoot programmes, films or videos;
  • controlling the budget and allocating resources;
  • pulling together all the strands of creative and practical talent involved in the project to create a team;
  • maintaining contemporary technical skills;
  • organising shooting schedules – dependent on the type of producer and availability of support staff;
  • troubleshooting;
  • ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, codes of practice and health and safety laws;
  • supervising the progress of the project from production to post production;
  • holding regular meetings with the director to discuss characters and scenes;
  • acting as a sounding board for the director;
  • bringing the finished production in on budget.



task 2 producer


After the death of her parents Chantelle is forced to live with her uncle, Her uncle has been obsessed with Jessica for ages and is in love with her. John uses his mind control power to keep Jessica looked up in his apartment, and control her to do what she wants. Luke visits the outside of Jessica’s apartment every night.

After a few times of Luke visiting Jessica he falls in love with not knowing she is pregnant with her Uncle’s child.

Luke Plans to break Jessica out, Jessica manages to escape, but Luke is trapped by John’s mind control.

Leaving Jessica to raise her child alone.

In the script there most be two lines be gone with him and throw that coffee over yourself.


Chantelle Rapunzel- Acting as Rapunzel Part

Jessica Rapunzel is young women undercontrol of uncle who is obsessed with Jessica. Jessica can not leave John’s Flat. Jessica is also pregnat with her Uncle’s baby.

John Grave- Acting as witches Part

John Grave has mind controlling powers and is the uncle of Jessica who has feelings for her, John keeps Jessica looked away using his mind control powers.

Luke Prince- Acting as the Prince’s part

Luke Prince is the boyfriend of Jessica, who comes to Jessica rescue and to break the controll of her uncle.

Presentation Below 


Producer Swat

Strength- Coming up with ideas, time keeping,

Weakness– Communication I struggling communicating  with Actors and Crew, I also stuggle talking in front of group of people and making presentations,  Lazy, Never Produced anything before. Dealing with people, Not a  good director, Can,t Edit, Decision Making.  putting my view out there,group discussions.

Opportunities-I could use actors I used from my Director Unit,

Threats-Other Groups doing this project, The crew not co-operating, Crew being off sick, crew not getting there on time, options might clash between producer and crew,The crew not getting work done by deadline,