Negotiated Project Task.1

Aaron And Liam- The conversation This my Script for my negotiated project My Idea For the Negotiated Project is to do a film which will be about Two friends dicussing movies the movies they talk about The new mad Max film Fury road,90s Captain America,90s Fantastic 4, Batman and Robin and Superman 4. I want the two main characters to be very normal guys I want the dialouge to be very natural flowing just an every day normal conversation. One of the characters will work in the shop  while the other wont work in the shop but will follow the other around. I will shortly add a third character a women who is a costumer visting the shop who will experience her love for the movie Batman and Robin The Film will end with the two friends leaving together both agreeing that the 90s Fantastic 4 is the best and saying download is in a couple of weeks. The end will show even though these two freiends have there disagraments on films at the end of the day they are still friends. My style will be based on the style of director Kevin Smith my aim will be to do one scene which will be like his films Clerks,Clerks 2 and mallrats. The Reason I choose Kevin Smith is because I am big fan of his films he has directed. For me he makes films for people like me they very nerdy films. I real big fan of Kevin Smith sense humour. Kevin Smith.

My main story will focus two orinary guys they are very nerdy I want it to be a very simple idea two guys dicussing films and stuff they enjoy. I named the two characters after myself and my friend Liam, The manner how these two act and interact with each other be very much how me and Liam act around each other anyway. Liam in real life works in a shop much like his own character he will playing. My character is unemployed much like my own character in the film.

What these two characters speak about in the film are based on some conversation we have actually talked about in real life. the conversation we talk about have just been mixed in. with in the conversation are characters will some times agree and some times disagree.  The women character is added a different appointive on a film. Kevin Smith was born Kevin Patrick  Smith in Augast 2nd 1970 in New Jersey  his first movie  was Clerks 1994 Clerks was a film set in a conviences store.  Kevin Smith also appered in Clerks as The Silent Partner to Jay Silent Bob. Jay and Silent Bob also appered inKevin Smith’s other Movies Clerks,Mallrats,Chasing Amy and Jay and the silent Bob Kevin Smith Director History 1994 Clerks 1995 Mallrats 1997 Chasing Amy 1999 Dogma 2001 Jay and the silent Bob Strike Back 2004 Jersey Girl 2006 Clerks 2 2008 Zac and Miri Make a Porno 2010 Cop out 2011 Red State 2014 Tusk Kevin Smith plans to sequel to his 1995 film Mallrats what will come out in 2016 what will be called Mallbrats. He also plans second sequel to clerks 1 and 2 called Clerks 3. Kevin Smith does Q and A his largest Q and A was at count basis theatre in Red Bank which sold out completly which went on at 8pm and finished at 3am this Q and A shows for me that Kevin Smith is a director who is very much there for his fans. Clerks  Clerks was released in 1994 the plot of Clerks is a day in life of Dante as he passes his day working at the convencies Store as him and his friend Randal discusses  Movies and piss off the cousomers. Clerks was shot in Black and white. The film stars Brian o Halloran,Jeff Anderson and Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith as Jay and The silent Bob. “I Wasn’t supposed to Be Here today” Dante  Hicks a quote from Clerks.

Mallrats Mallrats was made  in 1995 the plot of Mallrats after two friends are dumped by their girlfriends the spend time in the Mall. Mallrats stars Jeremy London,Jason Lee,Claire Forlani,Ben Affleck along with others.Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith reprised there roles as Jay and The Silent Bob in this. Characters and Cast  Shelf stacker The Shelf Stacker is a Staff member in a super market who stacks the shelf. He is bored with life his only escape is films. He knows everything about films. one day his friend comes in a film argument starts. The Friend. His friend his enployed has no hope in life. He can not get a job all he does all hang around the shop all day. The Women all the women is in the film is cousomer shopping in the shop who has a passion for the film Batman and Robin. He character shortly goes. Cast  Shelf Stacker/Liam Played by Liam Hagan Friend/Aaron played by Aaron Jones Women Played by Chelsea Burgin