Task.1 Music Video

Analysing Music videos

Kiss Album  Asylum, 1985, genre, Glam Rock,. Non  Make Up kiss. Band Members in Video Paul Stanley Vocals and Guitar, Gene Simmons bass, Eric Carr Drums, Bruce Kulick Guitar Featured image The video for “Who wants to be lonely” for me suits the genre and era. This video was made very well in the mid 80s. It is very glam and for me typical of the kiss glam era and also for me this song is very non make up kiss song. The video is very camp showing for camp style of clothing a good example is Pauls pink gloves   the video is also very colourful and brightly made. A another good example is at the end of video where Paul showers with the girls all very camp. Even  Paul’s dancing is very camp. This video also focus on kiss as a band showing them performing as a band showing their skills with their instruments and showing Pauls skills as a singer. It shows one shots of each band member such as Eric Carr on the drums and Bruce arising from the water. In my option the purpose  “Who wants to be lonely” video is to promote kiss as a band and there glam style and also to promote the album Asylum, who wants to be lonely is a number of videos to come from the album another one of those being tears are falling. The video to Who wants to be lonely in my option doesn’t really follow a narrative strutter it more the band playing and performances based    showing Kiss talented. most video is either them playing or them surrounded by attractive women. The Offspring music video Pretty Fly For a White Guy came out in 1998 .Featured image Featured image The Director of the Pretty fly for a white guy was Joseph Mcginty Nichol “MCG” who maybe most known for directing the fourth Terminator Movie Terminator Salvation. Featured image The Genre of Music what The Offspring is are Pop Punk,Punk rock,American Punk or Alternative Rock.  The Video is mostly narrative but also involves the Offspring preforming the song. For me the video for Pretty Fly For A White is a parody music video pointing fun at rap videos.For me the techniques which are used  in the Offspring video are a lot a fast cuts what in my option are used a lot in MCG’s films he directed there are a lot of fast cuts in Terminator Salvation. In the video there are lots of cuts from story to the band. The purpose of the video is to promote Offspring as a band a to promote the album Americana what the song comes from.

Codes and Conventions of Music Videos    

Codes and conventions are set rules most music videos go by. why codes and conventions are used so a audience member is familiar with what type of music video or genre the video is going to be.

The Audience member is set to seeing certain things when watching that certain type of music video.

You can put music videos into a certain categorize of style such as Performance band artist playing,Narrative including story.a mixture of them both.

A music video can have a very of shots depending on that style of video. there are many different editing techines used  in music video a great deal use fast cuts and jump cutting.