Job Roles

Camera Operator and Editor Aaron Jones

Director Editor Story and actor Bradley Atkinson

Actor James Hazeldine

For This project we all had to do our own edits.

Objects Needed

  • Water
  • Watch
  • Roses


For this project we decide on one location what will work for project because it was like it is not being used and looks like a war could have gone on here.

Below is a picture of the location we used to film at.

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The idea we used   was Bradley because both agreed on this idea because it was most prepared idea and it was simple idea to do at the time I also felt It was a good idea for use to do.

His idea basically was this about two solider hunting each other down because it there job to kill one and another. By the end of the film both these men are at stand of point they both know they have to kill each other but before doing so one gives the  water while the other one gives him a watch by the end one will have to die.

My Role was  the camera operator my job was to set up various shots  and recorded the scenes following the directors  direction and his vision how he wanted the film to play out on screen. I had to make sure that shots match up with the other that the continuity was correct  and every worked in that certain scene.

When it came to editing to focus was to show both of the points of view of these two characters scouting each other out. While I was editing I had to make sure that edit was no longer than three minutes my first cut was over three minutes it finished at three minutes seventeen seconds long so I had cut down to meet the brief.   The longest scene was showdown scene featuring Brad and James the where gifting giving scene this is the main focus of the movie. I decide to cut it before the shot his fired just hear the sound of the gun going off doing this it would show that you don’t know which one of these character is killed.

One of the bad things about counting the seventeen seconds was that I had to count a shot out which I really liked what was James’s character leaving a door and scouting around but I had cut I also had to make a couple sequences shorter then what they were in the first edit. Because I felt I cut the film down enough I didn’t add any titles are credits  because I felt taking any more  from the film would ruining it.

This final scene had serious so motion between these characters knowing one will die at the end I used a more wide shot showing both the characters from further distance to get more background in not just the characters then I switch more close in shot of the  two but showing some of back ground.

One shot was nice what I felt really worked  was the shot where Bradleys character step over the torn up roses  as  I mentioned one objects we had to use in the film was roses and we show this in this shot to Brad walking over the roses to discard them. I like in this shot how the roses were slightly blurred out as they faded away as Brad Character stood over them.

I also based by title on this scene naming my film walking the roses.

My Genre for Illustrate a story is war drama because the story is set like a war time story.  The reason why is it is a drama is because it about two characters hunting each other down. The reason the genre is war is because the story is set in war zone and both the characters are solider


The style of the movie was used to fit into my genre of war. We relied a backdrop of the

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location as well characters to help to work with . it was the directors vision to have the style in similar way as the movie enemy  at the gates. What was two snipers hunting each other out but on much smaller scale and budget.


The transport we will using to get to are location we use the cars of the director and actor we also use the cars to transport to take the equipment to are chosen location.  It was good that we had easy access to transporter so get to location and keep to the schedule.


My audiences will be any interested in the war genre. It might also interest those who enjoy short films.  This film might suited a teen audience more than those who are older.

Props and clothing

Bunch of Roses needed for film

Watch needed for film

Water needed for film

Model guns what look realistic

War type clothing

The character had to look like war time mercenaries they needed look like they could soldier

My idea

My short story will be around three minutes long and will contain three objects-

  • Rose
  • Water
  • Watch


is about rock band as they walk back stage as a group the lead singer drinks his water and checks his watch a fan comes a gives a rose.

My film will show  a fans love for this band and in spilt second after she gives him this rose he will gone.

Genre– Romance/thriller the reason my idea is a romance is because the girl will idealise this guy so much even the guy doesn’t feel the same he don’t even know who this girl is. Sort of like stalking in a way.

My movie will have completely no dialogue or no narration  because I think you get be silent with sound track what suit the mood of film will fit better.

The starts with the girl buying her tickets at the door and going to the front of the stage it times laps as the band plays there show. The members of band walk back stage first the girl watches then she goes in front of them and hands over a single rose they look into each eyes and finally the singer walks away as she watches him leave.

Budget 0

It is the audiences decisions if they think to girl is obsessed and stalker or just looks up to his guy.

Intended aim- for my idea

Characters– I will need for five characters the band members and the girl.

Band Members-




Lead guitar

And Guitar


And Audiences members.

Intended Aim- My aim will for my idea will to show loves of one person for another person but one person not know the other ones feelings they won’t even know who they are. It will show love through fans eyes. Here love will stalking it be more her looking up to this guy. For the singer it be more just another fan. The girl has loved  this guy since child has all there alums and posters on the at home in her room.
