Task.2 Research


Enter The Pitch 

Enter the pitch  is a filmmaker competition  where there is twenty five thousand prize to be won for the best pitch to be entered. To invest in the winning idea. Your pitch has to based a bible idea and most be at least two minutes long.

There is a panel judges who choose out the best idea from pinewood studios.

There is a range of genres you can put your film under.  There has been many winners through the years the competition started   from 2009 up present day.


2009- Simeon Lungair- Derelict

2010-Rob Mclellan-Rahab

2011-Tim Bassford-Black Scholes Conspiracy

2012-Simon Cookson- The Light

2013-Aurora Fearnley-Pulsar

2014-Andy Toovey-Only Child

The Enter the Pitch web site  also have tips  and advice there is certain criteria judges are looking for and there list of that certain criteria to follow on there site.

Some things that is in that criteria are show the filmmakers vision, Story telling skills. Passion for filming making and ability to communicate and along with many others.

The story I choose is from Genesis, Genesis is where god created world with six days and on the severenth had a rest.  After that God created the first two humans Adam and Eve. God also created all the animals in the Garden of eden.

Instruction The First Five book of the bible.






And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”. And it was so.

This is a line from the story Genesis which I Thought  was a Interesting line from the story.

The Book Genesis is often known as the book of Mosses and quoted to be author.

Above is a link to a YouTube Video which uses narration and pictures to talk about Genesis.