Task.4 Evaluation of pitch

Evaluation  Of Pitch

In my final pitch I noticed I have missed out certain things I wanted in my pitch what I mentioned in my treatment.

In my final pitch I wanted to mention that the main  Character the explorer is female ad I wanted to mention in my final  pitch her name and the fact she was going act like the Indiana Jones and Han Solo character. But I could not find right time to bring these things up in my pitch with in the time limit which as just two minutes

I also  wanted to mention locations and my option if I could do my film with the winnings I would get from winning Enter the Pitch.

But I could find a place mention this in the time I had to do the pitch.

I also wanted mention clothing for example I wanted to explorer to be dressed like mix Indiana Jones and Han Solo I really wanted to get across but I didn’t, also in the final pitch I wanted to mention the Suivors  clothing on the ships I wanted to go into more details about how character looked and more details about the story. I also wanted to tell them what the crystal would look like.

Like  I was saying I was thinking about the two mintue time which made me forget to mention certain thing I needed  to improve my Pitch.

My pitch was only one minute thirty, the reason this is was I could not see the time running out so I suspected I hit or just about to hit the limited time. I wish I rerecord my pitch to mention more of my things  I wanted to with to two minutes.

I was happy with my overall idea which I decided to pitch and the story which I choose. I think  I went to detail in my treatment and spoke about character,Location ect.

I was happy with the Sci Fi genre I choose because gave me a chance to explore my idea and bible story I choose.

My Final Pitch its self I felt I talked about my idea with confidences  and gave eye contact to camera. I spoke about with infusiasim and I think my pitch will stand out.

one of the things that I would change about my final pitch is it might come across a bit commercial so may not be taking seriously by the judges.

What I felt while recording my pitch, I felt I spoke a little quiet through out the recording.

I throught it was a good idea to introduce by pitch by telling them which bible story my idea was from which was Genesis.