Task 4 Develop Key Facts guild

Tips for getting into the industry

  • Prepare yourself to have little money while starting yourself of in the industry
  • Submit your Script,film or any other media content into competitions to get yourself and your walk out there.
  • Do research into the competitions  you are entering such as Enter the Pitch
  • Don’t be shy about your work if you have faith in it so will studious and producers
  • Get people to analyse  your work and work of what they have to say.
  • Don’t worry if you get turned down in the industry this is likely to happen just keep going through until you get that yes
  • Make sure you always try to improve on your media skills
  • Make a plan of where you want to be and keep to it.

This is a short guild into  what could start out in the media industry a kind of helping hand or dummies guild, it will help you when you have finish all stages of your media degree. if you are still doing your media degree you may still be finding your filmmaking style but keep at it and enter various competitions.

as a media student you will understand it is very hard to break into the industry because so many people are trying to make there way in the same industry. simply by doing your research and keeping your work you can make it into the industry.

There are many various roles in the media industry which include film and TV just look at how many people are involve in film next time you watch a film by watching the end credits.

Skills you will need 

you will need various media skills such as editing,Camera operating and directing as well as other plus skills in lictriecy and maths..

What you will Be paid 

You will have to prepared to work long hours and to be short on work sometimes. the money you will earn will be varied.