Task 4 Develop Key Facts guild

Tips for getting into the industry

  • Prepare yourself to have little money while starting yourself of in the industry
  • Submit your Script,film or any other media content into competitions to get yourself and your walk out there.
  • Do research into the competitions  you are entering such as Enter the Pitch
  • Don’t be shy about your work if you have faith in it so will studious and producers
  • Get people to analyse  your work and work of what they have to say.
  • Don’t worry if you get turned down in the industry this is likely to happen just keep going through until you get that yes
  • Make sure you always try to improve on your media skills
  • Make a plan of where you want to be and keep to it.

This is a short guild into  what could start out in the media industry a kind of helping hand or dummies guild, it will help you when you have finish all stages of your media degree. if you are still doing your media degree you may still be finding your filmmaking style but keep at it and enter various competitions.

as a media student you will understand it is very hard to break into the industry because so many people are trying to make there way in the same industry. simply by doing your research and keeping your work you can make it into the industry.

There are many various roles in the media industry which include film and TV just look at how many people are involve in film next time you watch a film by watching the end credits.

Skills you will need 

you will need various media skills such as editing,Camera operating and directing as well as other plus skills in lictriecy and maths..

What you will Be paid 

You will have to prepared to work long hours and to be short on work sometimes. the money you will earn will be varied.



Who are BECTU?????

BECTU is the UK’s media and entertainment trade union; sectors covered include broadcasting, cinema, film, digital media, independent production, leisure, theatre and the arts.

BECTU have offices in many location in the UK they have a head offices in London and regianal offices  in Birmingham, Cardiff, Salford and Glasgow.



Banned Movie

I spit on your grave (1978)

I spit on your graves other title was Day of the women

This film was  banned Australia, Finland, UK, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Iceland, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, China

I spit on your grave  still stands today as one of the most conversional  films made.

With scenes of rape and violences  with a 45 minute rape scene. Was Video nasty and was banned by BBFcC


Banned TV episode 

The Star Trek Episodes Miri, Plato’s Stepchild, The Empath  and Whom Gods Destroy were banned on U.K airwaves  for many years. The reason why those episodes were banned according to BBC they felt that those episodes  deal mostly unpleasantly in already unpleasant subject matters such as disease,Madness torture  along with more un pleasant content.


Banned Advert 

Kazam TV advert for the worlds slimmest phone was banned for objectifying women.

The advert shows a young women walking around in her underwear doing her ironing this advert was banned because it was concererned sexiest.



Task.1 Research the context of a research projects

Critically review the Structure of TV industry 

The Structure of the BBC  

The BBC is established  under a Royal Charter. The current carter came into force in the year 2007 and will end next year in 2016. Under the charter. The BBC is governed by the BBC trust.  The BBC is editorial independence and sets out its public purposes.

The BBC has a clear duty to represent the interest of licence fee payers. The executive board is responsibility  of the BBC.In 2013/14 BBC Media action income was  forty million pond and there products reached 200 million people in 28 countries.

The BBC used the income from the licence fee  to pay for the the TV, Radio and Online Services.

Rupert Murdock

Rupert Murdoch’s offer to buy Time Warner is evidence that the media industry is currently undergoing a transformative moment. The initial rebuff surely won’t stop the media mogul from achieving what he wants and regardless of the outcome of this offer, consolidation in the industry will gain momentum, marking the beginning of a new era.


Task.5 Career Development

Five year plan

Year 1 after this year I could leave Brooksby Melton College after completing my HND and successfully earning my HND in Creative Media Production. I then could begin to enter Script writing competitions in order to get my scripts out there and read by producers. Or alternatively I will stay on to do Bsc (Hons) Creative Media top up at Brooksby Melton College to earn my full honours degree. I will join BECTU to get a membership

Year 2  Find a full time job, in order to get money, anywhere I can. While I am looking for a full time Job  I can enter script writing competitions such as BBC writing room, on the side to get media work out in the industry of media. I would particularly like to become a script writer.

Year 3 Research on line  into becoming a script writer while still looking for work or even working to get money from a normal job.

Year 4 working my normal job while still looking to become a script writer.

Year 5  Hopefully get a job in Media industry as a script writer if I am lucky.


Free-CV-template Aaron Jones

Free-CV-template Aaron Jones

Exemplar Work


Above is a link to previous work I have Created.