Task.2 Devise and Pre plan a moving image fiction Production

Shot List Depict Project Casting Shapes

Shot List. Casting Shapes   Jason Bedroom   Shot 1 Scene 1 Establishing shot of Jason’s Bedroom and Jason Sitting on his bed listening to music. Shot 2 Scene 1 Wide Shot of Jason sitting on his bed. Shot 3 Scene 1 wide shot of the door muffled sounds coming from it Shot 4 Scene 1 Close up of Jason hand turning his music down. Shot 5 Scene 1 Shot of Jason throwing of his headphones Shot.6 Scene.1 wide shot of Jason’s Dad. Shot.7 Scene.1 Close up of Jason’s Dad holding beer. Shot.8 Scene.1 wide shot of Jason’s Pulling him out the room. Hallway   Shot 9 Scene.2 Close up of Jason’s Dad putting his beer on the side. Shot.10 Scene.2 Wide shot of Jason’s Dad pushing Jason into a wall. Shot.11 Scene.2 close up of Jason on the floor. Shot.12 Scene.2 close up of Jason hand grabbing hold of the bottle. Shot.13 Scene. 2 Wide Shot of Jason getting up. Shot. 14 Scene.2 Mid shot of Jason hitting his farther. Shot. 15 Scene.2 Close Up of the bottle hitting his farther. Treatment for Depict Project   I Have three different drafts of my script what I am wrote for the depict project My first script started in the church went back to the boys bedroom and return to the church. The second draft starting in the boys room and ends in the church. My final draft of the script the one what I am going to use the church scene is cut out completely because doing this will make it easier to film The duration of will my film will have be 90 seconds to go with the rules of the depict completion Story My Idea The title of my Story will be called Casting Shapes this will be my idea for my film. A boy listening to heavy metal through his headphones he lays on his bed.  You hear the sound of muffled arguments coming from his parents from outside his close door.   Then hear a bang and high pitch scream. The boy quickly throws his headphones of and opens his door to find his dad drunk and his mum at the bottom of the stairs with neck stamp dead. His farther drags the boy down the stairs and forces him to look at the corps of his mother bringing the boy to tears. Following that his farther drags him to the kitchen and beats him. The boys sees a hammer and on the side and grabs it beating his farther brains in. blood splats the wall and covers the boy. It fades to black. Characters For my idea I would any need to use two characters the boy Jason and his farther you wouldn’t even have show the mother character we will just have show that something has happened to her character without seeing her death on screen. Actors- These are the are the actors I planned to use during film but last minute changes I had recast my actors. Originally Planned Cast- Liam Hagan as the boy Jason Simon Jones as the Farther If Simon Jones is not available for shooting I will have to find another actor for this part. Cast I used- Liam Hagan as Jason’s Dad Tom Hayewood as Jason Boy. Locations For my location I am hoping to use my home in syston I want to use my own bedroom to act as Jason room. I hope to use this one location to film the whole film because we no longer need the church location because that scene has been cut out of the final draft. Dialogue is all three of my scripts there is no dialogue or narration you will know what is going on by the actions of the main characters I felt that dialogue is not needed. I want show by the characters emotions rather then what they are saying. Genre  The genre of My Depict film is Horror and drama there is horror elements in my story such as when the boy Jason kills his farther my idea is slightly based on Carrie,Carrie his a film based on a book by Stephen king . Drama element comes  in my option is the boy trying to deal with the pain of his mother death and his farther aliholisim. Why I choose to base my story on Carrie because i am a big fan of the 1978 movie of Carrie and the later Remake of Carrie in 2013. I felt in remake of Carrie the girl who in the remake  is a relatable character which I want Jason to be even though he kills his farther I don’t want the audience to hate I want The audience to feel like he has no choice. I want the audience to feel Jason was pushed to far much like Carrie was in her movie. My footage involves a scene were Jason played by Tom Hayewood goes to the Church and falls to his knee in front of the church and his head goes down in shame this scene was not in the final draft of my script. Travel  The way the Cast and Crew are getting to our location will be by car. The car fits all the cast and crew the car seats five people. Budget This is an easement of prices of cast and crew of my film how much it would of cost for one day filming Crew Camera Operator according to Black Cat Production to hire a camera operator it would be between Camera operator hire for a day rate: £250 – £275 p/d (8h call). http://www.bluecat-productions.co.uk/video_production_price_list.html


To hire out a two actors for a day of filming varies depending on those actors.