task 2 producer


After the death of her parents Chantelle is forced to live with her uncle, Her uncle has been obsessed with Jessica for ages and is in love with her. John uses his mind control power to keep Jessica looked up in his apartment, and control her to do what she wants. Luke visits the outside of Jessica’s apartment every night.

After a few times of Luke visiting Jessica he falls in love with not knowing she is pregnant with her Uncle’s child.

Luke Plans to break Jessica out, Jessica manages to escape, but Luke is trapped by John’s mind control.

Leaving Jessica to raise her child alone.

In the script there most be two lines be gone with him and throw that coffee over yourself.


Chantelle Rapunzel- Acting as Rapunzel Part

Jessica Rapunzel is young women undercontrol of uncle who is obsessed with Jessica. Jessica can not leave John’s Flat. Jessica is also pregnat with her Uncle’s baby.

John Grave- Acting as witches Part

John Grave has mind controlling powers and is the uncle of Jessica who has feelings for her, John keeps Jessica looked away using his mind control powers.

Luke Prince- Acting as the Prince’s part

Luke Prince is the boyfriend of Jessica, who comes to Jessica rescue and to break the controll of her uncle.

Presentation Below 


Producer Swat

Strength- Coming up with ideas, time keeping,

Weakness– Communication I struggling communicating  with Actors and Crew, I also stuggle talking in front of group of people and making presentations,  Lazy, Never Produced anything before. Dealing with people, Not a  good director, Can,t Edit, Decision Making.  putting my view out there,group discussions.

Opportunities-I could use actors I used from my Director Unit,

Threats-Other Groups doing this project, The crew not co-operating, Crew being off sick, crew not getting there on time, options might clash between producer and crew,The crew not getting work done by deadline,