Task 2 Pre production

original ideas 

  1. My first idea was to pay homage to film director Sam Raimi and his Evil Dead series, the idea was gonna involve four friends who find the book of the dead and start to becoming processed by evil spirits. This idea had to be scraped because I could not get enough  actors and the idea was a bit big for the lack of time I had to film. I also wrote a script for this idea.

Script Beyond Fucked

Above is the scripted for my scrap idea.

 2. my other idea was for a break up storyline, This involved the male character seeing visions of his past love, This was the idea I planned to film. I also had locations in Syston which were going to be Syston Park and my House,  my cousin who was going to act for me but my there was incident involving a camera and my cousin also dropped out due to  Exams and Work so this Idea was also scraped.

New Idea 

My New idea will also try and pay homage to Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead series but I will do it this time with the use of less actors, so the the film will be easy to do with the time I have to do it by, I will also do it as a trailer rather than a short film.


The plot will involve a young man who discovers the Necronomicon Ex Moris(The Book Of The Dead) The man unknowing reads from the book and releases the power inside.

After the book is read the man is followed by a dark figure.

it will be not much longer then two minutes long and will involve little to none dialogue but I will use a voice over through out.

What I want to achieve ?

I want to make a directors  making of which shows me directing the film and maybe interviews from acting saying if I directed well and maybe shots of the location I have chosen as director.

Job Roles

Camera operator Aaron Jones and Tom Haywood

Director Aaron Jones

Editor Aaron Jones

Actor Tom Haywood


Melton Park

Bentley Street Melton Mowbray


  • Necronmicon Ex Moris(Book Of The Dead) dvd___the_evil_dead__book_of_the_dead_edition__by_morsoth-d47imn1
  • Knife
  • Creepy Mask for Shadowed figure


The Lead will be wearing a blue shirt to play homage to Bruce Campball’s character  Ash Who also had a blue shirt in the Evil Dead Film series and the Ash Vs the Evil Dead Tv Show. the rest of the outfit will causal such as Jeans.

the dark Figure will wear a mask.

Voice over

During the voice over in my film I will use the lines

“The Necronomicon is said to have been written by the Dark Ones, bound in human flesh and inked in blood”

What are lines from the Evil Dead series again this is to pay homage to that series.

The Voice over will also explain the story it will be the narration of the trailer.

Shot List

  • Pages of the book Turning
  • Of the book itself
  • the main character reading Book.
  • the Dark figure watching
  • character going to cut hand
  • Hand processed

Making of Film










Technical and creative role of the director 

The directors job is to communicate with the actors on set and to talk through the scenes with them they also have to tell the actors what they will be doing in the scene, where they will processioned and how they say the line. The actors can have a say on how deliver their line or if they have any ideas for the certain scene but the director has final say in the film and doesn’t have consider the actors idea.The director also direct how a actor will use a prop in a certain scene if a prop is being used.

The directors main focus is directing their actors and rehearsing with them, the director should already of told crew how lighting should set up, where the cameras should be placed maybe by the use of storyboards and where the sound will be. do all pre production for the scene gives the director enough to spend with their actors.The director will need access to a script, storyboards shot list.

Tim Burton 

Tim Burton is known for such films such as Nightmare before Christmas, Batman,Batman Returns and Beetlejuice.


Tim Burton his a film Director who was born August 25 1958 in Burbank California USA. Tim Burton who is known for his Gothic style in his films. As a child Burton saw the world every differently.

He was inspired by classic stories Frankenstein which we can see when watch is short film Frankenweenie, Frankenweenie is basically about a young boy who brought his dog back to life, while Frankenstein his about Victor who brings a monster to life, So you can see similar tone to the old horror stories and Burton’s work. So It seems That Burton has a thing for bringing characters back to life but mostly dogs. this can seen in Frankenweenie and in Burton’s Short film Vincent where the main Character Victor talks about bring his do back to life.

When Tim Burton was younger he a had a close collection with is dog this why most of his male leads are accompanied by a dog for a example  Zero is Jack’s dog in nightmare before Christmas, Scrapes is the dog in Corpse bride and finally the dog in Frankenweenis is called Sparkly. So we can see a pattern happening in Burton’s films.

another connection to Burton’s films is that he gives his male leads similar looks to him Such as similar hair to himself as we can see with characters like Edward in Edward Scissorhands, Vincent in Vincent and Victor Von Dort in Corpes Bride

Tim-Burton-s-Vincent-tim-burton-29555266-1360-768 url-31  Vlcsnap-2012-04-26-03h59m52s171_(2)

For Me because Burton Puts a lot of his own looks to Characters shows that puts a lot of himself in his films.

Tim Burton worked for Disney in his career for  while  when He was at Disney Burton Made his Short Stop Motion film Vincent which has his Gothic Style, Vincent shown the world through child’s mind much like how Burton saw the world differently has a child.

Tim Burton’s first film was Pee Wee Big Adventure in 1984 every previous to this are shorts and TV Movies. For me Pee Wee is the further away from his more Gothic work.

many of Tim Burton Films are Based on drawings he made as a child despite having a normal Surban up bringing in California Burton did some pretty twisted drawings a kid. Some of these drawings would serve as insprision for Characters such as Jack the skeleton and even the design for Frankenweenie.

When it comes to the music in Burton’s films He uses a certain Composer Danny Elfman who as composed the music on films such as Batman Returns, Charily and The Chocolate Factory, Corps Bride, along with many other Burton movies .


Above are links to Music Conposed by Danny Elfman for Tim Burton’s Films


Gothic is a style or Genre with certain themes The Themes that appear with in  the Gothic style are Hunted House/Castle, Light and dark with Greys and Blood red colours,

Zac Synder Films he is known for Man Of Steel, Watchmen, Sucker Punch and the up coming Batman V Superman


Zac Synder style is very big flashy and very comic book way of filming. for Me his approach to filmmaking is very similar to Michael Bay.

When you watch Man of Steel it very much action, action and action which doesn’t, give the time for the viewers to take breath and to take in the story. focusing more on the action and effects rather than the characters in the story and the story it’s self. Making me as a viewer very bored and uncaring about any of the characters and the plot . a lot of his movies become endurance tests because of this.

Zac is mostly known for action and science Fiction films.  He made his film day depute remaking George Romero”s Zombie Classic Dawn Of the Dead.

Synder Often uses Slow Motion and in and out of fight scenes in films.  And many of his films consisted of fast paced action sequences. A lot of blood is very cartoon like and  lot action very over the the top and cartoony

Above are examples of  Slow Motion Films Zac is known for.



Task.1 Research the context of a research projects

Critically review the Structure of TV industry 

The Structure of the BBC  

The BBC is established  under a Royal Charter. The current carter came into force in the year 2007 and will end next year in 2016. Under the charter. The BBC is governed by the BBC trust.  The BBC is editorial independence and sets out its public purposes.

The BBC has a clear duty to represent the interest of licence fee payers. The executive board is responsibility  of the BBC.In 2013/14 BBC Media action income was  forty million pond and there products reached 200 million people in 28 countries.

The BBC used the income from the licence fee  to pay for the the TV, Radio and Online Services.

Rupert Murdock

Rupert Murdoch’s offer to buy Time Warner is evidence that the media industry is currently undergoing a transformative moment. The initial rebuff surely won’t stop the media mogul from achieving what he wants and regardless of the outcome of this offer, consolidation in the industry will gain momentum, marking the beginning of a new era.


Task.5 Career Development

Five year plan

Year 1 after this year I could leave Brooksby Melton College after completing my HND and successfully earning my HND in Creative Media Production. I then could begin to enter Script writing competitions in order to get my scripts out there and read by producers. Or alternatively I will stay on to do Bsc (Hons) Creative Media top up at Brooksby Melton College to earn my full honours degree. I will join BECTU to get a membership

Year 2  Find a full time job, in order to get money, anywhere I can. While I am looking for a full time Job  I can enter script writing competitions such as BBC writing room, on the side to get media work out in the industry of media. I would particularly like to become a script writer.

Year 3 Research on line  into becoming a script writer while still looking for work or even working to get money from a normal job.

Year 4 working my normal job while still looking to become a script writer.

Year 5  Hopefully get a job in Media industry as a script writer if I am lucky.


Free-CV-template Aaron Jones

Free-CV-template Aaron Jones

Exemplar Work


Above is a link to previous work I have Created.