Task.1 Documentaries

Documentaries Filmakers

1.Louis Theroux Documentaries he is known for  Lou Theroux’s weird weekend, Louis and the Nazis, Louis Theroux Behind Bars, Louis and the brothel, Louis Theroux under the knife among with many others.


Lou Theroux was born in May 20 1970, Two of the his documentaries I remember the most by him is the documentary were I tried get a interview with Michael Jackson which he did not get,and the one were he spent time a in a brothel.  I think he has a real straight getting to point about his films.  Lou Theroux is also a writer and a producer. Louie Theroux is BBC television Presenter who is known for investigating different life styles.

His career has lasted over Fifteen years now.  Louie is known gentle way to ask his questions he also uses a formal approach to his interviews.

He also gets to know the people behind the stories in his documentaries.  during his long career Louis has got many scoops in the world of journalism. Louis garrotted from Oxford in 1991.


Above is a link to Louie Theroux Wedsite.

2.Jon Shenk Documentaries He known for The Beginning Making Episode 1, State of the Art:The pre visualisation of Episode 2,  Lost boys of Sudan.

Jon Shenk Studied at Yale University, He has been Nominated for a News And Documentary emmy award. Jon’s documentary The Begging Making Episode 1 is one favourite behind the scenes of movie set ever. In my option it is very honest and a good insight on how that film is made.

This documentary don’t just show the production of the film but it shows reactions of the fans of the star Wars series after the film is shown for the first time.

Some of the scenes what stick out for me in Jon’s documentary are  When George Lucas Is colouring  over the storyboards and explaining to his team what will be real and what will be digital. It also shows the actors such as Liam Neeson learning how fight with there lightsabers, It also shows the Actors choosing the lightsabers they want.

Another Scene which stood out for me in his documentary is after George Lucas and his team screen The phantom Menace for first time afterwards George and his team are pointing figures at each other and blaming each other about all problems the movie has for me this scene is a good example on how honest this documentary is.

It also hows how many problems they had in the production stage.

3. Stevan Riley Documentaries He known for Everything or Nothing,Fire In Babylon

Stevan Riley’s first Documentary was Rave against the Machine, Stevan Riley is a British director, writer,editor,producer and documentary maker. He studied at the University of Oxford .Stevan  earn himself a Grierson award and he was nominations for best documenary at a independent film award.

4.George Butler Documentaries He known for Pumping Iron, Pumping Iron The women, Roving Mars

George Butler was born in 1944 in London he mostly known for Pumping Iron which is a documentary which feature Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Feringo back when were competing for Mr Universe.

He is also a Photographer,

5.Justin Lee Collins Documentaries He is known for Bring Back Star Wars, Bring Back Star Trek,Bring Back A Team


Justin Lee Collins Was born July 28th 1974 and his a known TV Presenter and Documentary maker. Most of his Documentary in involve him travelling to places to track down cast members of his favourite TV Shows or films in a series of shows called Bring Back.

The concept of The Bring Back show was to track down the cast of the show he was trying to bring back if they were still alive, and hold a reunion at the end of the show, but most of the time only a few a cast turn up at the end if any at all.#

Above is a link to Bring Back Star Wars in this one Justin Tried to reunited the cast of Star Wars in this clip he is interviewing Carrie Fisher who is known for Playing Princesses Leia .

Justin Lee Collins took a very hands on approach in his documentary often going out finding and interviewing people himself, Sometimes Justin Lee Collins took a comedy approach to his interviews maybe to make who is interviewing feel at ease.

The 6 Modes Of Documentaries 

  1. The Expository Mode- Often Uses a Narrator,Addresses the viewer directly using  with titles or voices. this is to advance a argument or recount history.
  2. The Performative Mode-This involves the filmmaker interviewing his subjects and allows the filmmaker them selfs to be involved in the documentary them selfs going on a journey to finding the anwesers of what his documentary is about. It also makes the viewer go into the foots steps of the filmmaker. This mode of documentary uses voices overs and commentary.
  3. The Poetic Mode- Shows images and continuity  editing and patterns
  4. The Observational Mode-Mostly they have no Voice over, No commentary It os documentary mode were  real social people act as there or no cameras filming them.
  5. The Participatory Mode In the participatory mode “the filmmaker does interact with his or her subjects rather than unobtrusively observe them.”[1] This interaction is present within the film; the film makes explicit that meaning is created by the collaboration or confrontation between filmmaker and contributor. Jean Rouche’s Chronicle of a Summer, 1960, is an early manifestation of participatory filmmaking. At its simplest this can mean the voice of the filmmaker(s) is heard within the film. As Nichols explains “what happens in front of the camera becomes an index of the nature of interaction between filmmaker and subjec
  6. The  Reflexive Mode  The reflexive mode considers the quality of documentary itself, de-mystifying its processes and considering its implications. In Dziga Vertov’s Man with a Movie Camera (1929,) for example, he features footage of his brother and wife in the process of shooting footage and editing, respectively. The goal in including these images was, “to aid the audience in their understanding of the process of construction in film so that they could develop a sophisticated and critical attitude.” (Ruby 2005) Mitchell Block’s No Lies (1974,) functioned in a notably different manner, as it reflexively and critically questioned the observational mode, commenting on observational techniques and their capacity for capturing authentic truths. In this way, the reflexive mode of documentary often functions as its own regulatory board, policing ethical and technical boundaries within documentary film itself.

Bowling For Columbine 


Bowling For Columbine is a 2002 documentary by Film Maker Michael Moore. which was about  gun violence and the shooting in Columbine high School Shootings back in 1999.

For Me Bowling for Columbine is a Participatory Documentary because Micael Moore Partictapates in his own documentary. Michael Moore goes on a journey to find something out which he wanted to know to find some sort of answer. You also see Moore as he interviews various people about the certain topic in this case gun violence.

It also shows Moore arrive away from America over to Canada. In this documentary it very much about Moore as A viewer you go on a journey with him.

The tone of this documentary changes throuhout it starts of being more comedic  and turns more serious as it progresses.

Life its self 2014


Life its Self is a documentary about life and career of Roger Ebert  the documentary  was directed by Steve James. It also had footage of Roger Ebert leading up to his death  showing him in hostpital. The documentary had stock footage of Roger’s life . The documentary  also shown the love hate relationship between Roger and fellow Film Crititic  Gene Siskel who has also sadly passed away . Both  Roger and Gene Hosted the show  At The Movies were they Critised movies.


The Mode of Documentary which Life its Self is  Expository Mode because it has narration talking over stock footage. It also has certain people being interviewed.




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