
Call Sheet

Example_Call_Sheet Aaron Jones– This Is my Call Sheet for my Project

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Shot list: Liam and Aaron The conversation

Shot.1 Establishing shot of the student area. Shot.2 Wide shot of Aaron and Liam walking down The student area. Shot.3 Close Up of Aaron and Liams legs as the walk down the corridor to get to there seats. Shot.4 wide shot of both them sitting down in there chairs. Shot.5 Two shot of Liam and Aaron. Shot.6 Mid Shot of Liam taking off his Jacket. Shot.7 Wide shot of Aaron Tom Speaking there lines. Shot.8 Close up Liam saying his line. Shot.9 wide shot of Aaron Saying his line. Shot.10 close up Liam saying his line. Shot.11 Two Shot Liam says his line. Shot.12 close Up Liam, Liam says his line. Shot.13  Close up Aaron Saying his line. Shot.14 wide shot.Liam saying his line. Shot.15 Close Up Liam shock on his face. Shot.16 wide shot women saying her line. Shot.17 Wide shot women walking off. Shot.18 Reaction shot of Liam and Aaron Shot.19 Two shot Aaron Says his line. Shot.20 Close up Liam says his line. Shot.21 close Up Aaron saying his line. Shot.22 mid shot of Liam putting his jacket back on and getting up. Shot.23 Wide Shot both Liam and Tom getting up. Shot.24 Wide shot of Liam and Aaron Leaving the shop Shot.25 Close up Aaron humming Howard the duck theme Shot.26 Close up Liam saying his line. Shot.27 Two shot of them both walking shot. 28 Wide shot Liam saying his line. Shot.29 Close up Aaron saying his line. Shot. 30 wide shot of both them walking out the building. Clothing  Liam character will be wearing ordinary clothing with a name tag I want Liam’s character to loo like a average shelf stacker. He will wear a plain white t shirt  and black trousers. Aaron will be wearing normal clothes a hoodie and jeans. he be wearing clothes because he is a normal person. The character was the women will be wearing very average clothing because her character also won’t be working in the shop so can wear her normal clothing. Location-  MY Location will be set in the College Canteen . Here are some pictures showing were my film will be shot. 11349959_1660048320896907_2003936717_n 11414484_1660048307563575_203981893_n11304332_1660048324230240_965240478_n11303549_1660048304230242_1664587487_n11354744_1660048187563587_110759977_n

During shooting the location was changed due to the canteen be to packed when it came to filming my project. 

Below are pictures are location I actually used- 

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