Job Roles

Camera Operator and Editor Aaron Jones

Director Editor Story and actor Bradley Atkinson

Actor James Hazeldine

For This project we all had to do our own edits.

Objects Needed

  • Water
  • Watch
  • Roses


For this project we decide on one location what will work for project because it was like it is not being used and looks like a war could have gone on here.

Below is a picture of the location we used to film at.

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The idea we used   was Bradley because both agreed on this idea because it was most prepared idea and it was simple idea to do at the time I also felt It was a good idea for use to do.

His idea basically was this about two solider hunting each other down because it there job to kill one and another. By the end of the film both these men are at stand of point they both know they have to kill each other but before doing so one gives the  water while the other one gives him a watch by the end one will have to die.

My Role was  the camera operator my job was to set up various shots  and recorded the scenes following the directors  direction and his vision how he wanted the film to play out on screen. I had to make sure that shots match up with the other that the continuity was correct  and every worked in that certain scene.

When it came to editing to focus was to show both of the points of view of these two characters scouting each other out. While I was editing I had to make sure that edit was no longer than three minutes my first cut was over three minutes it finished at three minutes seventeen seconds long so I had cut down to meet the brief.   The longest scene was showdown scene featuring Brad and James the where gifting giving scene this is the main focus of the movie. I decide to cut it before the shot his fired just hear the sound of the gun going off doing this it would show that you don’t know which one of these character is killed.

One of the bad things about counting the seventeen seconds was that I had to count a shot out which I really liked what was James’s character leaving a door and scouting around but I had cut I also had to make a couple sequences shorter then what they were in the first edit. Because I felt I cut the film down enough I didn’t add any titles are credits  because I felt taking any more  from the film would ruining it.

This final scene had serious so motion between these characters knowing one will die at the end I used a more wide shot showing both the characters from further distance to get more background in not just the characters then I switch more close in shot of the  two but showing some of back ground.

One shot was nice what I felt really worked  was the shot where Bradleys character step over the torn up roses  as  I mentioned one objects we had to use in the film was roses and we show this in this shot to Brad walking over the roses to discard them. I like in this shot how the roses were slightly blurred out as they faded away as Brad Character stood over them.

I also based by title on this scene naming my film walking the roses.

My Genre for Illustrate a story is war drama because the story is set like a war time story.  The reason why is it is a drama is because it about two characters hunting each other down. The reason the genre is war is because the story is set in war zone and both the characters are solider


The style of the movie was used to fit into my genre of war. We relied a backdrop of the

Featured image

location as well characters to help to work with . it was the directors vision to have the style in similar way as the movie enemy  at the gates. What was two snipers hunting each other out but on much smaller scale and budget.


The transport we will using to get to are location we use the cars of the director and actor we also use the cars to transport to take the equipment to are chosen location.  It was good that we had easy access to transporter so get to location and keep to the schedule.


My audiences will be any interested in the war genre. It might also interest those who enjoy short films.  This film might suited a teen audience more than those who are older.

Props and clothing

Bunch of Roses needed for film

Watch needed for film

Water needed for film

Model guns what look realistic

War type clothing

The character had to look like war time mercenaries they needed look like they could soldier

My idea

My short story will be around three minutes long and will contain three objects-

  • Rose
  • Water
  • Watch


is about rock band as they walk back stage as a group the lead singer drinks his water and checks his watch a fan comes a gives a rose.

My film will show  a fans love for this band and in spilt second after she gives him this rose he will gone.

Genre– Romance/thriller the reason my idea is a romance is because the girl will idealise this guy so much even the guy doesn’t feel the same he don’t even know who this girl is. Sort of like stalking in a way.

My movie will have completely no dialogue or no narration  because I think you get be silent with sound track what suit the mood of film will fit better.

The starts with the girl buying her tickets at the door and going to the front of the stage it times laps as the band plays there show. The members of band walk back stage first the girl watches then she goes in front of them and hands over a single rose they look into each eyes and finally the singer walks away as she watches him leave.

Budget 0

It is the audiences decisions if they think to girl is obsessed and stalker or just looks up to his guy.

Intended aim- for my idea

Characters– I will need for five characters the band members and the girl.

Band Members-




Lead guitar

And Guitar


And Audiences members.

Intended Aim- My aim will for my idea will to show loves of one person for another person but one person not know the other ones feelings they won’t even know who they are. It will show love through fans eyes. Here love will stalking it be more her looking up to this guy. For the singer it be more just another fan. The girl has loved  this guy since child has all there alums and posters on the at home in her room.



What I have found in the research without a big name for your film you mind find hard to get your movie produced because no wants to invest to anything that doesn’t have credulity we see that when Jeremy Saulnier  was trying to get his movie Blue Ruin to production he was turn  down my many studies it was his wife who got the project started by going into her retirement found. Jeremy want typicall looking guy to play the part he wanted the lead part to be played by a friend Macon Blair  but Macon was pretty much a unknown name at the time so what Jeremy did was to create a imdb page show Macon how he would look like in movie Macon grew his beard out for three weeks and they post the picture on imdb of what he would look like in the film. Black Cat Screen play competition  The Black Cat film competition was founded by a writer back in 1998 founded by  Gordy Hoffman some of the blacks cats previous winners include Pierre Chance 2013,  2012 Michael Hamblin and 2011 Ian Simpson. This competion is a good way of getting your work out there you can win The  Feature Winner of the 2015 Competition will receive $15,000. Four Finalists will receive $2,500 each. The Shorts Winner of the 2015 Competition will receive $10,000 Three Finalists will receive $1,500 each. Read more at BBC Writers room  The BBC writers room is a open door foe writers to send there scripts and to get them seen. what BBC writters room does is that you can only send scripts in at certain times below are open times for scripts. Scriptroom 8 (Stage plays – comedy / drama) – opened on Monday 15th September and closed at 5pm on Monday 29th September 2014. The Writer’s Prize (Radio Drama) – also opened for submissions on Monday 15th September and closed at 5pm on Monday 29th September 2014. My Proposal  For my Script writing Project.


My Brief story for My script. After his drunken farther kills his wife his son Jason who is Just trying block out the argument is pulled into the fight but during the arugment Jason kills his farther with his own beer bottle. The police are after Jason, Jason runs to a church and drops to his knees sirens will surround the church. The Whole movie will be in black and white because I want to give it a hopeless feel to it.

Actors and Characters 

Liam Hagan as Jason’s Farther

Tom Haywood as Jason


Jason his a young boy around 12 or 13. Jason is don’t really have any friends keeps himself to himself. Jason has had a lot of pain in his life he has face years of watching his mother get abused by his own farther. Jason has a lot anger inside him.

Jason’s Farther 

Jason dad is a drunk, he drinks far to much he has no job and abuses his wife and son.


Jason will be wearing a rock band shirt,skinny jeans,bandanas tied to his arms.

Jason’s Farther will be wearing leather jacket,Jeans.

Props needed 

Beer bottle,iPod,headphones.

Clothing will be provided by actors.

Cast and Crew

Actors Tom Haywood and Liam Hagan

Camera Operator Major Singh Takhar

Director Aaron Jones


For every scene filmed in Jason bedroom we used my home in Syston

16 St Peters Street,




For the final scene in of my film the location we will be using is the St Peters and St Pauls Church in Syston

Upper Church Street,

Syston, Leicester


Transport cost 

Major Singh Takhar provided transport on day of shooting, so we only had focus on petrol cost which was around £20 ponds from Melton to Syston and back again.

Cost of a camera operator for a day of shooting

According to London Video camera camera operator a HD Camera opperator and Kit will cost me £375 for a 8 hour shoot.

According to NDP New day pitures Lighting and Camera operator with full kit will cost £400 for 10 hours depending on kit.

Feelance Camera operator Steve Feeney has a starting price from £160


My budget for my film will be nothing because it is through my course all the equipment I am using is free I am hiring from college.

If I had budget and I can not get equipment free from college  I would have to take in account of Actors, Camera opperotor , the kit i will using and transport cost.



Target Audience 

Personally I think my film might appeal  to teenagers and young people, People who are similar  age to Jason because they might find him relatable as a character.

Target audience would also depend on the cerficate of the film its self if my film is rated at 15 or 18 then there no point aiming it for younger audience members because they just won’t be able to see it. I will have aim for the apparent audience .

Where my idea comes from 

I wanted to do horror based film because I am fan of that genre I really enjoy horrors myself.  My idea came from the  film Carrie which is based on a Stephen King novel, I am also a fan of other films that have been based  Stephen King novels such as The Shining and Stand by me which based on one his stories called  The Body.

Why I choose Carrie for my inspration for my own film for a start a start I really enjoyed both the 1976 version of Carrie directed by Brian de Palma and the Remake which came out in 2013 and was directed by Kimberly Pierce.

another reason  I choose carrie I felt Carrie was a relatble character , Carrie is a teenager having hard time and she also find out she has amazing powers and even at the end after all she has done you still feel sorry for her.

I wanted my character of Jason to similar to character  to Carrie with some things being slightly different such my character will is a male, he will not has powers and is slightly younger then character of Carrie. but both characters have hard time in my story Jason kills his Farther in Carrie it is her mother.

Stephen King 

Stephen King was born in  September 21 1941. He was born in Portland, Stephen began his writing career in 1959, Stephen King became a massive noveist writing many horror books.


In my film mainly in the bedroom scene there various pictures or objects  in the background setting what I don’t  rights to such Pokemon card on the door of the room, there are large Hobbit posters, one my actors will wearing a Steel panther band T shirt, The beer bottle has a brand longer what is mainly covered, The Bed sheets are Mario.Megadeth gets shown on the iPod

What I need to think about is none of these brands are own by me it is all evolutional and I am earning to money for it. I also have to consider the makers of these brands in my film may not want there products getting shown in my film.

Music and Sound Effects.

There are no dialogue throughout my film apart from the muffled sounds of Jason’s dad shouting all my music comes from which includes the rock music, at the start the eerie music throughout and the church bells.

Bombay Sapphire

For this project all locations could not be any further than 25 miles from the Melton College campus – Melton Campus, Asfordby Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 0HJ
Locations we choice
Abbey Park Rd, Leicester LE4 5AQ 0116 222 1000
Blue Peter Bar 3-5 Law Street, Leicester LE4 5GR 0116 266 5219

When Planning Locations we went for these locations because Abbey Park is public place so we didn’t really need permission to film on this locations and Blue Peter Bar and Grill is owned by one of the members of the groups family so we only needed permission from him.

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My Blog One Minute Wonder Theory

For My One Minute Wonder Theory I want to talk about the film Evil Dead 2 in my commentary mention these certain points Feminist  formalist I will I also talk about the film characters star and strutter of the film  and facts about how this certain film was made. I will also mention narrative and audience  I will show a clip from movie that shows all these factors. When i am researching into this movie i find information on this movie by using the internet on sites such as imdb I will also get information from a review of the movie on YouTube and might references that  review by Comic Girl 19 because it picks up good facts about the movie I want to do. this is a link to the review I might reference it tells 19 things you may not know about the movies and I might point some of these things out while I talk over my clip from the film. What I  thought about doing when it comes to community is to do two movie clips and split them into 30 seconds each and do two different movies to get  a different view but do two very different movies and to compare them to each other  to show you differences but also some similarities of these films. If I choose to do two movies my second choice might be Bataman Begins But it might easy to do the one because I can talk about more of that movie and get all the points in needed for the brief. The film hope to do Evil Dead 2 Featured image Evil Dead was not ever meant to get a sequel but after Sam Raimi had a few flops they decide to do bringing back star Bruce campball to the role from the first movie in away Evil Dead 2 is a sort of rehash of the first movie follow the same strutter  of the first movie both set in a cabin the woods and same sort of story the thing what sets apart from the first one in my option is the first Evil Dead is more horror based and a bit more creepy while the second movie is more horror based with slap stick comedy thrown in I think the reason this because Sam Raimi was a fan of the three stonges. I personally think that this move does not women in a feminist light it will either show women needing help and As Bruce Campbell character will have to save them or women as old hogs trying to kill the main characters Featured imageFeatured image Above are examples of how women are shown in the evil dead films as you can see by these pictures while Ash the main character is shown as this hero character fighting of evil, kissing the girls, saying cheesy one liners such as this Grovey. He is typical movie hero.    I think Ash is seen in a better light then most women in the movie but there are few women Characters in the evil dead films series. My audiences of Commentary is for fans of movie series Evil Dead and any one interested in horror or just want to find out more about this move in general you are look at 15 to over range because that is the certificate of the movie.

The Audience might also appeal to those who enjoy slap snick humour and comic violence  because this movie has a lot of violences but it is more in a comic book or cartooney kind of way for example when ever blood is shown in Evil Dead 2 it is never blood red it is normally black, green or a very dark red.

This movie and the first evil dead and Army of Darkness have a kind of cult following to it so does the star its self Bruce Campball he has a kind of cult following because of the style of movies he appearers in.

Reviews of the movie imdb  gives Evil Dead 2 a rating 0f 7.2 while rotten tomaoe gives it a rating of  98 while the audiences rating on rotten tomatoes is 89

Evil Daed also hints about other films in Evil Dead one they show a poster of the hills have eyes in one scene in Evil Dead 2 they show freedy kruggers claws above the shed door and in nightmare in elm street the main character is watching Evil Dead 2.

Featured image  Hills Have Eyes poster Featured image Freedy Claws

Featured image Watching Evil Dead 2 in Nightmare in Elmstreet

In My option this film don’t really have a political review  but some peoples view on the movie might that to violent and it could be politicly wrong in that sense.

This this clip Bruce Campbell the star of Evil Dead talks about Evil Dead in a interview. He talks about making a movie on budget and during Evil Dead one they had keep stopping filming.  in this evil dead he talks about how different the more recent Evil Dead is to the original series of films and the use of effects.  it also talks Sam Raimi the original director of the first 3  films  He also talks about his own role of playing Ash in his iconic role.  Bruce also mentions Evil Dead being a old school film .

My Personal response to this film is that is all around fun movie one best scenes is where Ash is running the cabin and it is one shot just following Ash running. I think there is so much for everyone even if you don’t like the horror genre..

The Second Film I am discussing For  my One Wonder Theory is Batman Begins

Featured image

Batman Begins  is a 2005 film directed by Christopher Nolan  and starred  Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/ Batman and the movie was written David S. Goyer. Batman is a comic book character created by  Bob Kane.   Batman Begins tells the story of how Batman became to be. it shows Bruce Wayne become Batman it shows this character get trained by the leaugue of Shadows and then return to Gotham to fight the corruption of the city and protect the innocence. Batman also comes up against The Scarecrow played by Cillian Murphy.

The genre of the movie is that is a comic book movie but I would also say it is drama and action also I find that Batman Begins is more realistic than your normal comic book movie. I find Batman Begins is  a very character based movie.

in Batman Begins I would say the character of Rachel Dawes is a strong Feminist character but at the same time weak. The Reason why she weak there a couple of times in the movie she needs  Batman to save but at the same time she is strong because has her on options and speaks her mind and stand up for herself. Rachel  doesn’t come across to me as your average demsel in distress she has her own personality. Rachel character can also be the voice of reason in discussions with Bruce Wayne showing him the right path.

Bruce Wayne Character for me  has three different sides to him. one side of Bruce Wayne’s personality is Batman himself I would  say  Batman recipients his dark side the side what blames himself for the death of his parents. The side  what’s  save people to make up   for the failure of the parents death.  I would say the Batman side of his personality is closer to the true Bruce Wayne than his  playboy personality what his just a show for those around him and then there is true self the side what only those close to him see such as Alfred and Rachel.

The Strutter of the film  follows Bruce Wayne sometimes  having flashbacks of his childhood for example showing the death of his parents and him playing with Rachel as kids in this scene it shows how Bruce came to have a fear of Bats. For me Batman Begins follows the typical directing style of Christopher Nolan.

task.2 Enter The pitch

MY Idea 4:1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry. 3 The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.” 4 And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’” 5 And the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, 6 and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. 7 If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.” 8 And Jesus answered him, “It is written,

“‘You shall worship the Lord your God,

and him only shall you serve.’”9 And he took him to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, 10 for it is written,

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,

to guard you,’

11 and

“‘On their hands they will bear you up,

lest you strike your foot against a stone.’”12 And Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’” 13 And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.

Jesus is Tempted, Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness New Testament

(Luke 4:1-13)

My Story is based on a Bible story From Luke 4:1-13 Where Jesus is tempted by the devil. I am going to put Sci-Fi spin to it replacing Jesus with a lone Robot it is against his programming to accept anything what is not his, and replacing the Devil with spirit like alien creature. My story will also be set in the future and I will also replace Jerusalem with a unknown planet, I could also call his ship Jerusalem or  Mary  in my story the planet will be deserted the only two characters will be the Robot and the devil like figure watching him in the shadows.

In my story the Robot will crash land in his broken down ship to find food and help where he walks the planet for forty days without food, he starts to feel weak and his power levels fading. The alien figure will watch him in the distance for those forty days.

Like Jesus was offered three things by the devil the Robot will be offered three things by the alien also to show how weak human race are compared to his race.

The Robot will be tempted to restore its power levels what have faded by walking the planet, Power to control a nearby planet and to become human. The alien will try his hardest to try and tempted him while the robot will use all his power to turn these down.

The robot will look human and bleed like a human but have robotic Skelton.

In the future year 2034 a space shuttle named Bethlehem named after the birth place of Jesus Christ, is soaring across space within the space shuttle  is a single being a robot who has human skin but robot Skelton under human flesh but like an human the robot bleeds, The robot is programmed not to  accept anything what he does  not  own, The robot’s name is 469Q on the robot’s wrist is a battery what shows how much power he has lefted. You would not even be able to tell he is a robot if it was not for the battery on his arm and the way robot acts he acts with very little emotions.

The robots mission is to deliver alien artefacts to Earth. His shuttle is deep in space the nearest planets to him are Jerusalem and the ice planet of Hoth, A storm blows through space knocking the shuttle away from its path and the rubble hits the ship crashing the ship until it hits the planet Jerusalem.

The robot breaks out the shuttle to find it is now out of power so he cannot leave the planet or charge himself. The planet that he is on is deserted but he does not know that yet so he goes off to find parts for his ship or people to help not knowing a Spiritual demand looking alien is watching him in the distances.

So the Robot starts walk from his shuttle where he discovers that rubbles of an ancient city of Jerusalem, He carries on walking the planet as  he walks he keeps an eye on the battery on his wrist to see his power levels every move makes to alien watches to see how strong the robot is. The Robot walks this planet for forty days with the alien always watching.

After forty days his battery level is down to one bar the robot now weaken falls down to his  knees hitting the  of the  sand of the planet.

The alien appears in front of the Robot to tempted him with three things to try and prove that the robot is more than just how his programme is set.

The first thing the alien offers him is to restore his power to full levels, The robot turns this down saying “it against my programming my creator did not build me to take stuff that is not mine to take”.

Then the alien offers to repair his ship the robot repeats the same thing and finally the alien offers the chance for the robot to become human where the robot replies once more with the same thing.

The alien says “very well” and vanishes leaving the robot stranded on the planet.  The alien flies off in distances. When the robot see a ship coming down.

A flash of the light happens it goes back where you find the robot alive and well now fully charged on a rescued ship.

Research My story is Jesus gets tempted is from  (Luke 4:1-13) which is from the new testament, There has been movies based on the Bible and Jesus that include The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) what is directed by  Martin Scorsese and stars Willem Dafoe showing the life of Jesus  up to point where  he put onto the cross and Passion of the Christ what goes through the last hours of Christ life. This is directed by Mel Gibson and the whole film is in Aramaic. But my story is when Jesus   is tempted in story Jesus is fasting for Forty days and is approached by the devil.

The fellowship of the ring  could be consider religious  even JRR Toilken himself said   that he did not mean for The Lord of the Rings to be about Christianity, letters directly states that he “intended it to be consonant with Christian thought and belief”

In my mind The Lord Of Rings is similar to my story you can say  like Jesus is tempted by the Devil Frodo is tempted by the ring.



  1. Have you ever read or heard of the Story Jesus tempted in wilderness?


  1. Have you ever seen any other various of the story above?


  1. What do you think of my version of this bible story?


  1. Does my story go well with the original version of the story?


  1. Do my characters work with story?


  1. Have you heard of the New Testament what this story is from?


  1. Do you think my version flows well as story?


  1. Does the Sci-Fi spin work on the bible spin?


  1. Do think it works that Jesus is replaced by a Robot and the devil is replaced by an Alien?


  1. Why don’t you think Jesus does not get tempted?